Sustainable Constructions under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Events -- Study plan

  • Study program: -- Civil Engineering (N3648)
  • Study plan code: MA_SUSCOS_M
  • Study branch or specialization: Sustainable Constructions under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Events (3607T053 )
  • Total number of credits in this plan: 90

Information: International programme, which is realized by an international consortium of universities. Applications for study are accepted and processed exclusively through the consortium secretariat.

Compulsory Subjects
sem. SUSCOS, 1st semester, compulsory subjects code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
11C1 Design of Sustainable Constructions1341C01  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+2 )
11C2 Conceptual Design of Buildings1341C02  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+2 )
11C3 Conceptual Design of Bridges1341C03  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+2 )
11C4 Local Culture and Language1341C04  ( A )2 credits ( 2+2 )
4 courses and 20 credits to complete
Choice of subject in compulsory area
sem. SUSCOS, 1st semester, facultative subjects code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
11E5 Advanced Design of Glass Structures1341E05  ( A,EX )5 credits ( 2+2 )
11E7 Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Structures1341E07  ( A,EX )5 credits ( 2+2 )
12E12 Design for Renewable Energy Systems1342E12  ( A,EX )5 credits ( 2+2 )
min. 2 courses and 10 credits to complete
Compulsory Subjects
sem. SUSCOS, 2nd semester, compulsory subjects code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
22C11 Business Economics and Entrepreneurship1262C11  ( A,EX )2 credits ( 2+2 )
22C9 Design for Seismic and Climate changes1322C09  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+2 )
22C8 Advanced Design of Steel and composite structures1342C08  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+2 )
22C10 Design for Fire and Robustness 1342C10  ( A,EX )6 credits ( 2+2 )
4 courses and 20 credits to complete
Choice of subject in compulsory area
sem. SUSCOS, 2nd semester, facultative subjects code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
22E13 Advanced Design of Concrete structures1332E13  ( A,EX )5 credits ( 2+2 )
21E6 Advanced Design of Timber structures1341E06  ( A,EX )5 credits ( 2+2 )
22E14 Design of Aluminium and Stainless steel structures 1342E14  ( A,EX )5 credits ( 2+2 )
min. 2 courses and 10 credits to complete
Compulsory Subjects
sem. SUSCOS, 3rd semester, diploma project code, ex credits, load prereq.schedule
33C12 Theses 1343C12  ( A )30 credits ( 0+24 )
1 course and 30 credits to complete

Notice: ▲ -- course will be open every semester