Projekt řeší problematiku a způsob opravy letištní dráhy/RWY po napadení protizemní konvenční taktickou municí v závislosti na dostupných technologiích, prostředcích a materiálovém řešení. Předmětem řešení je vypracování metodiky a technologie rychlých oprav letištní dráhy/RWY po napadení protizemní… show more konvenční taktickou municí tak, aby je bylo možné v co nejkratším čase po napadení opět plnohodnotně užívat.
Water and soil are vital resources seriously affected by climate change and degradation. Water at the land surface, primarily in the form of soil moisture, is a key resource influencing agriculture, forestry, groundwater recharge, weather, climate, and greenhouse gases emission at the landscape.… show more Several soil moisture observation systems exist on multiple scales but they need to be harmonized. The overall objective of this project is to develop novel metrological tools and establish a metrological foundation for soil moisture measurements on multiple lateral scales, ranging from decimetre to kilometre, ensuring the traceability and harmonization of the various soil moisture measurement methods.
The project seeks to develop a flood management support framework that combines an automated flood forecasting system and flood risk assessment for informing the operational and preventive phases of flood management in two major economic cities of Ghana with recurrence of floods (Accra - 2.3 million… show more inhabitants; Kumasi - 1.5 million). This requires high-resolution spatio-temporal rainfall (observed and projected), terrain (e.g., LIDAR) and landuse (e.g., SENTINEL-2) data. The project will leverage on existing commercial cellular (mobile) wireless network infrastructure for real-time monitoring of rainfall and make use of an ensemble of rainfall data from existing and new rain gauges, global satellites (e.g. IMERG) for validation.
This proposal represents a joint effort by a consortium formed by the main applicant (Idea Stat-iCa) as the main industrial beneficiary and two university institutes (ETH Zurich and CTU Prague) with a strong track record in the development to the level of practical implementation of simulation-based… show more design methods and algorithms.
Engineering materials are subjected to thermal, mechanical, and chemical loads during production and in service. The design of resistant materials that do not lose their beneficial properties in harsh environments, hence, requires an interdisciplinary, holistic approach that considers that… show more enhancement and degradation of properties is the result of combined thermo--chemo--mechanical loads. We, therefore, propose to improve DAMASK, an established open-source crystal plasticity, and multi-physics simulation tool, with fast and robust numerical solvers based on the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to fully leverage the capabilities of DAMASK's physics-based constitutive models. The resulting simulation framework will enable us to study the behavior of engineering materials subjected to thermo--chemo--mechanical loads representing the situation during production and service and, thus, enable the microstructure-aware design of damage-resistant and damage-tolerant materials.
Die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Landschaften und Ökosys- temen gegenüber dem Klimawandel hängt in hohem Maße davon ab, wie sie auf ein extrem schwankendes Wasserdar- gebot reagieren. Die Grenzregion zwischen Sachsen und Tschechien ist besonders von Umweltrisiken durch Über- schwemmungen und Trockenheit… show more betroffen, wie häufige Hochwasser, das stattfindende Waldsterben und die ver- heerenden Waldbrände im Jahr 2022 belegen. In diesem Kontext steht außer Zweifel, dass durch Biberaktivität eine Vergleichmäßigung des Wasserhaushalts, eine Erhöhung der Biodiversität und dadurch eine Steigerung der regio- nalen Klimaresilienz erreicht werden kann. Nachdem der Europäische Biber (Castor fiber) im 19. Jahrhundert in Europa fast vollständig ausgerottet war, begann im 20. Jahrhundert seine erfolgreiche Wiederansiedlung, u. a. auch in Sachsen und Tschechien. Die Lebensweise der Biber kann grundsätzlich sowohl positive (z.B. Gewässerrenatu- rierung, Retentionserhöhung) als auch negative (z.B. Untergrabungen, ungewollte Überflutungen) Auswirkungen haben. Ein besonderes Merkmal des Bibers ist sein Bestre- ben, seinen Lebensraum durch den Bau von Dämmen in Fließgewässern günstig zu gestalten. Dadurch werden die hydraulischen, hydrologischen und ökologischen Beding- ungen sowohl ober- als auch unterhalb der Dämme verändert. Ob bzw. unter welchen Bedingungen diese Ver- änderungen für die regionalen Oberflächen- und Grund- wasserverhältnisse erheblich sind, ist bislang jedoch unklar. Aus diesem Grund fehlt sowohl den Kommunen als auch den Wasser- und Umweltbehörden bislang eine fundierte Entscheidungs- und Argumentationsgrundlage für die Frage, ob Biberdämme im Gewässer belassen oder welche
Even though the cement industry has made progress toward improvements in energy efficiency, it still has a massive carbon footprint, contributing approximately 5-10% to global anthropogenic emissions of CO2. The main goal of the proposed project is to contribute to the sustainability of this sector… show more by harnessing microbiologically induced calcite precipitation (MICP) for binding recycled concrete fines (RCF). Such a technique has not been reported in the available literature, yet research into MICP holds promise for its use in the production of construction materials from RCF and sequestering atmospheric carbon at the same time. The research agenda outlined here includes a study of the rate of MICP in RCF suspensions for different bacteria, a detailed investigation of the microstructure of RCF-calcite conglomerates using microscopy and nanoindentation, mathematical modeling of their microstructures and properties, and experimental testing of their micromechanical and macroscopic characteristics.
The high temperature exposure of alkali activated aluminosilicates leads to the initiation of physical and chemical processes, which result in changes in microstructure, texture and composition, and consequently affect also the functional properties. Contrary to the commonly used precursors with… show more very high amorphous content, typically 80-90%, ceramic precursors contain mostly only up to 50% of amorphous phase. Therefore, the effect of high temperatures on alkali activated low-reactivity ceramics differs from those based on highly reactive precursors. In this project, the physical and chemical processes in alkali activated low-reactivity ceramics exposed to high temperatures are analyzed and compared with those taking place in alkali activated aluminosilicates based on common high reactivity precursors, such as metakaolin. The complex investigation program includes advanced material characterization techniques and a wide set of functional parameters which allows an in-depth analysis of links between the parameters, microstructure, and chemical and mineralogical composition.
Legislativně omezovaný objem skládkovaného odpadu vede k přechodu k jeho spalování. Tento proces, společně se spalováním biomasy při produkci energie, vede ke vzniku velkých množství odpadních popelů. Skládkování popelů je však prozatímní a nebezpečné řešení z důvodu obsahu nebezpečných polutantů,… show more zejména těžkých kovů. Nicméně, tyto popely vykazují specifické vlastnosti, díky kterým jsou využitelné v konstrukčních kompozitech, což poskytuje bezpečné, šetrné a ekonomicky efektivní řešení při jejich zpracování. Specifická aplikace se nabízí ve formě náhrady pojiva nebo plniva, případně ve formě prekurzoru. Významnou součástí této aplikace je schopnost zachycení těžkých kovů v matrici stavebního materiálu. Cílem projektu je výzkum vysocehodnotných nízkouhlíkových kompozitů využívajících popel ze spalování komunálního pevného odpadu, čistírenských kalů a biomasy tak, aby obsažené těžké kovy byly sorbovány a imobilizovány. Kompozity budou připraveny z vícefázových pojivových systémů či geopolymerních matric, minerálních příměsí a nanoaditiv s vysokou sorpční kapacitou pro těžké kovy.
Cement production is one of the largest sources of CO2 emissions. One way to decrease these emissions is to reduce cement consumption through the wider use of blended cements from local sources of pozzolanic active ingredients. Although this is a technologically simple solution to this urgent… show more problem, most blended cements have low initial strength, which is, in practice, not competitive with traditional composites with higher cement content. In order to improve their strength, it is necessary to understand the chemical processes taking place in the early stages of cement hydration. While most studies focus on the main clinker mineral C3S, there is only a limited amount of information about C3A, the most reactive clinker component. Understanding the influence of C3A on the initial strength of cement and the early hydration of cement from a micro-and macroscopic point of view are the main goals of this project. The achieved results could help with the design and optimization of the initial properties of blended cements, which are expected to be more widely used in the near future.
Main goal of project is development of new technologies for energy storage using smart building materials. Project will be focused on technology of smart plasters, which can be used for electrical energy storage as batteries and supercapacitors. Additionally, new technology of 3D printing will be… show more implemented for fabrication of the smart construction blocks and other construction platforms as an energy storage device (batteries and supercapacitors). Project will focus on development and final 3D architecture of composites based on electrode materials of supercapacitors as well as anode and cathode materials in batteries. In addition, electrode separation will be studied using ion conductive composites based on gel as well as solid state ion conductors. It will be studied possibilities of integration of these smart plasters and bricks in model building construction. Complex energy cycle of modern passive housing needs additional technological possibilities for energy storage of renewable sources producing energy for subsequent use.
Project concerns with design, 3D printing and numerical simulation of porous structures for implants.
Projekt je zaměřen na zlepšení vazeb druhotných surovin na bázi křemíku (Si-SM) při použití Si-SM v cementových kompozitech za účelem nahrazení části jemnozrnných kameniv a samotného pojiva. Různé typy Si-SM budou modifikované pomocí různých povrchových úprav. Modifikované Si-SM budou důkladně… show more prozkoumané za účelem stanovení interakcí s cementem a alternativními pojivy, vlivu na tloušťku a kvalitu mezifázových přechodových zón (ITZ) ve vytvrzených kompozitech a vlivu na hydratační procesy. Tato zjištění poskytnou hlubší pochopení interakcí mezi Si-SM a přínosem jejich povrchových modifikací k tvorbě ITZ. Za účelem podpory udržitelnosti betonářského průmyslu bude stanovena optimální strategie pro recyklaci odpadních materiálů na bázi Si.
Projekt zkoumá vliv neutronového a gama záření na mikrostrukturu betonu, jeho mikromechanické a fyzikální vlastnosti pomocí ozařování, nanomechanických a mikrostrukturálních měření v malém měřítku na cementové pastě a betonových vzorcích umístěných v různých prostředích.
Glass load-bearing structural elements are currently used more and more often, but due to the brittle fracture of glass, it is necessary to design these structures with sufficient reliability. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the joints and construction details. Adhesive joints have a… show more number of advantages over mechanical connectors commonly used in construction. Adhesives can provide more uniform stress distribution along the connection, it does not weaken the bonded material and eliminates thermal bridges. Adhesion to the glass can be improved by roughening of the surface but at reduced strength. The presented project is focused on the treatment of the glass surface with electric plasma to improve the adhesion at elevated temperature with respect to ageing of adhesive bonding due to the environment. The bonding resistance of treated and untreated glass and steel surfaces will be experimentally verified at elevated temperature on samples exposed to artificial ageing for selected 3 types of transparent adhesives.
Předmětem výzkumu je podoba vnitřní struktury transportní vrstvy a s ní související interaktivní pohyb nehomogenních dnových splavenin v toku s pohyblivým dnem za podmínek eroze dna bez přítomnosti dnových útvarů. Pro strukturu transportní vrstvy je charakteristické rozvrstvení částic dle velikosti… show more a tvaru, které ovlivňuje bodové koncentrace a rychlosti částic a celkový odpor proudění. Cílem výzkumu je popis řídících mechanismů a kvantifikace odpovídajících hydraulických veličin vyjadřujících chod splavenin (průtok pevných částic ve vztahu k průtoku vody) a proudění (zejména vztah mezi průtokem vody a hloubkou proudění) pomocí identifikace chování částic na lokální úrovni uvnitř vrstvy. Pohyb částic jednotlivých frakcí bude měřen v laboratorních podmínkách na modelových směsích splavenin ve sklopném žlabu za použití autory vyvinutými optickými měřícími metodami. Výstupem projektu bude experimentální popis chování nehomogenních splavenin v transportní vrstvě a jejich kvantifikace pomocí matematického modelu uvažujícího vliv různozrnnosti částic na proudění a chod splavenin.
This project is a follow-up to the received project No. 20-00624S "Study of the influence of electromagnetic field on the behaviour of dispersed reinforcement in cement composites" in which it was verified that it is possible to orient dispersed reinforcement in cement composites by electromagnetic… show more field. The orientation of the dispersed reinforcement was addressed for the member elements but only in one direction. In the follow-up project, the aim is to solve the orientation in multiple directions so that the fibres are oriented and concentrated in statically advantageous directions. Thus, for beams, for example, in the directions of the principal stresses, or so that ideally they follow a truss and tie analogy. Furthermore, the project will focus on slab elements, where the aim will be to orient the fibres along different trajectories depending on a support of a slab. It follows from the above that the main objective of the project is to obtain the theoretical basis for a future conventional rebar reinforcement replacement.
Biodegradation of building materials is a worldwide problem affecting all types buildings. This process is caused by the microbial settlement of all types of surfaces, where thanks to the microbe. growth and enzyme. activity causes undesirable aesthetic changes and material damage. To prevent the… show more growth of microorganisms. synthetic biocides are used on building materials and nanomaterials. Due to their ecotoxicity, their use is limited by legislation, including theirs effectiveness is influenced by a number of factors, e.g. stability, rate of release from coatings. That's why they are new, more ecological biocides are being sought. Essential oils are natural substances that in vitro conditions they show a high inhibitory potential against microorganisms occurring on construction sites materials. Information about their activity and possible negative effect on building materials they are not known. It can be expected that due to their volatility, relatively high biodegradability and hydrophobicity, their use in coatings may not be effective. However, this negative is possible eliminate, for example, by encapsulating them in materials used as paint components
Acid-based geopolymers (ABG) is emerging group of materials produced by mixing of an aluminosilicate precursor and phosphoric acid. Their advantage, compared to conventional binders, is superior thermal and chemical stability and high strength, which determine the potential ABG application to… show more thermally and chemically resilient coatings, thermally-insulating foams or 3D-manufacturing. So far, the ABG has been prepared mostly by acid activation of metakaolin (thermally-treated kaolin); this is relatively exclusive and expensive material. The Project aims to prepare ABG from alternative clay precursors – widely abundant kaolinitic-illitic clays of various compositions and impurities. These alternative precursors will be used after thermal activation, but the possibility to prepare ABG from thermally untreated clay be examined as well. The prepared ABG will be characterized among other techniques by solid state MAS NMR spectroscopy, which will provide unique information about their structure and synthesis mechanism. The structural data will be correlated with mechanical properties.
The sufficient durability of solid wood and wood products is important for its use in building components. Mould growth on wood is often a precursor of further decay. Since mould growth is influenced by hygric conditions of a substrate material, a prediction of mould growth may serve as warning that… show more moisture state of building component is not satisfactory. Mould growth can be understood as the serviceability limit state of a building component. Existing mathematical mould growth models attempt to quantify either the amount of moulds on the surface or the probability of presence of moulds for given environmental conditions and material parameters. Such models are based on regression of laboratory mould growth experiments. There is a lack of reliable good quality experiments. Consequently, there is a lack of systematic comparison between mould growth models and experiments. This project will further develop the newly established logistic mould growth model. The model will be compared with performed experiments. Reference growing media prepared from pine sapwood will be used in mould
Numerical simulations of inelastic mechanical behavior of heterogeneous quasibrittle material are essential in a number of engineering areas. Specifically in civil engineering they are applied in assessment of critical buildings and infrastructure made of concrete. Robust high-fidelity models… show more require detailed information about material composition which makes them computationally prohibitive. The projects solves this burden by state of the art techniques using machine learning combined with homogenization and domain decomposition. The heart of the project is advanced physically constrained machine learning surrogate capable to locally replace material response. Such artificial intelligence will be used to emulate behavior of (i) spherical representative volume element in the asymptotic expansion homogenization and (ii) regions tiling the decomposed domain. For such goal the homogenization will be equipped with auxiliary modes accounting for strain localization and the domain decomposition will be improved by reduced order modeling of the communication between individual regions.
We propose an innovative methodology for the upcycling of waste concrete fines (WCF) through microbially induced calcite precipitation (MICP), utilizing facultative anaerobic bacteria. This novel approach, previously unexplored, holds promise for transforming WCF into construction-grade materials… show more and for potential CO2 sequestration. Our project is centered around three core objectives: (i) optimizing microbial metabolic pathways, processing of WCF, and the integration of natural fiber reinforcement, (ii) conducting comprehensive characterizations and mechanical testing of biocemented conglomerates to assess their structural integrity, chemical composition, and mechanical properties, and (iii) performing a detailed environmental impact assessment via life-cycle analysis. A critical component involves the isolation of unique facultative anaerobic bacterial strains from karst caves, known for their distinct microbial communities and significant MICP potential.
Synergie směsných prekurzorů může vést k podstatnému zlepšení funkčních vlastností alkalicky aktivovaných materiálů (AAM), které souvisí se změnami v jejich mikrostruktuře a složení. Zlepšení ekologických parametrů AAM může být dosaženo použitím běžných prekurzorů v kombinaci s odpadními materiály.… show more Požadavky na funkční a ekologické parametry však mohou být často protikladné. V tomto projektu budou zkoumány synergické efekty v alkalické aktivaci směsných prekurzorů, přičemž budou brány v úvahu současně fyzikální, chemické a ekologické aspekty. Na rozdíl od většiny předešlých studií publikovaných jinými výzkumníky budou funkční a ekologické parametry AAM optimalizovány při jejich návrhu v rámci jediné procedury. Bude též provedena důkladná analýza chemických a fyzikálních faktorů pro vysvětlení příčin, proč konkrétní směs AAM byla určena jako optimální, a dosažené synergické efekty budou posouzeny z fyzikálních, chemických a ekologických hledisek.
The project focuses on complex research into eco-efficient mortars compatible for the sustainable repair of surface layers of historic buildings. The mortars design will focus on minimizing the carbon footprint and using natural, sustainable materials such as plant and animal fibers, natural organic… show more and inorganic additives and admixtures modifying the limited properties of the binder, compatible in terms of materials, technology and function with the original masonry. The experimental analysis of the effect of natural additives, admixtures and fiber reinforcement used on the structure, properties and durability of the mortars will provide material parameters that will be subsequently used for modelling the function of the mortars in relation to the hygrothermal conditions of the environment and structure, including the salinity and degradation effects. This comprehensive approach will allow to obtain mortars for the restoration of historic buildings and to understand their structure, properties, and physicochemical phenomena occurring during their application in historic structures.
The cement production is one of the industrial sectors with a significant share of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. One way to reduce these emissions is to limit cement consumption through wider use of blended cements containing pozzolanic active ingredients from local sources. Although from a… show more technological standpoint this presents a relatively straightforward solution to this pressing issue, most blended cements have low initial strength, which hinders their competitiveness with traditional composites with higher levels of clinker. Achieving higher strength requires an understanding of the chemical processes occurring in the initial stage of cement hydration. The main aim of this project is to understand the influence of nanomaterials on the initial strength of cement and on the early hydration of cement from both micro and macroscopic perspectives. The findings so far may contribute to the design and optimization of the initial properties of blended cements, which are increasingly being utilized in the future.
To address challenges in the design of safety laminated glass hinging on accurate predictions of the performance under explosion of cased charge, the project focuses on extensive experimental program coupled with comprehensive numerical simulations. The experiments will meticulously explore the… show more effects of blast and fragment impacts, while numerical simulations, using industry-standard software, will identify key test parameters to reduce the cost of experiments and to provide data that cannot be measured directly. The collected data set will serve as a stepping stone for developing an in-house software based on the phase field damage model. Exploiting the open-source library FeniCSx will enable direct implementation of tailored time integrators, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. A principle novelty is the application of viscoelastic models of polymer interlayers based on fractional calculus. This exploration aims to provide insights into the post-breakage behavior of glass under combined blast and fragment impact and to elevate safety standards in structures subjected to blast.
The project focuses on mathematical models and numerical algorithms for realistic simulations of inelastic deformation and failure processes in quasibrittle materials, with particular attention to concrete. Depending on the type of loading, dissipative processes in such materials may involve… show more cracking, aggregate interlock, frictional sliding or crushing; their realistic description requires stress-strain laws with softening. Constitutive models formulated within the standard continuum framework cannot objectively describe localized failure; appropriate regularization techniques (localization limiters) are needed. The project explores the potential of regularization based on the phase-field approach, originally developed for brittle failure. Despite important recent advances, a reliable and efficient regularized model for concrete that can properly reproduce various types of failure under general multiaxial stress is still missing. The project aims to fill this gap. The starting point is an advanced damage-plastic model, with adjustments reflecting recently acquired experimental data.
The project aims at formulating a multiphysical thermo-hygro-mechanical 3D model for whitetopping (WT), a recent technology for rehabilitation of asphalt concrete pavements. The geometry of the model is composed of a block of WT, contact elements, asphalt concrete layer and subbase. Material models… show more implement heat transport, moisture transport, viscoelastic aging material complemented with nonlinear fracture mechanics. Currently, such a model is missing to design and evaluate performance of WT, taking into account geometrical and material nonlinearities. The applicant has been in charge of long-term monitoring of the first two WTs in the Czech Republic, taking the advantage of using data for calibration and validation. Four work packages are proposed, covering thermo-mechanical and thermo-hygro-mechanical simulations, sensitivity analysis and reduced-order model. Results from the project will be used in impacted journal articles, conference papers, and student education in transportation engineering programs.
In order to comprehensively understand the role of both the alkaline activator and the nucleation centres applications, we decided to combine the capabilities of two scientific workplaces in the project. Synthesis of nucleation centres and their application into hybrid cements will be carried out at… show more FCH BUT. It will be followed by controlled hydration, the study of microstructure formation of hybrid seeded cement pastes and mortars, and the determination of quasi-static mechanical parameters. The task of the second workplace of FCE CTU will be the microstructural study and modelling of the mechanical properties of individual phases of hybrid cement hydration products. The comprehensive outcome of this effective collaboration will be the explanation of the mutual relationships of the spatial distribution of nucleation seeds, the microstructure of the formed hydration products and the micro-/macro-mechanical properties of hydrated hybrid cement.
Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is prone to higher creep and shrinkage due to the inherently large content of cement paste. Current prediction models fail to describe shrinkage of SCC accurately. This is due to the combination of several factors: i) substantial replacement of Portland cement by… show more supplementary cementitious materials which modify microstructure, ii) wide range of admissible water-to-cement ratios which alter the proportion between autogenous and drying shrinkage, iii) sharp transition of physical properties from conventional concrete to SCC, iv) compressive strength is less determining parameter, and v) absence of experimental data for calibration. In this project, standard and non-conventional experiments are supplemented with mathematical modeling to i) formulate a shrinkage prediction model for SCC, ii) explore approaches for significant reduction of the time needed for estimating the ultimate shrinkage, and iii) investigate the behavior at the meso-scale to assess the extent of internal damage and check representativeness at specimen surface.
The project deals with ductility and strength requirements for eccentrically connected bolted gusset plates under compressive load and for bolted lap connections made of normal and high strength steels (HSS) up to S1000. Although these bearing type connections have been used since the end of the… show more 19th century, there are still many questions concerning their design. A few analytical methods for compressed gusset plates connections were developed and some of them are used in standards procedures, mainly in Australia, New Zealand and Canada. However, in European standards, no design procedure is described. The basic problem of bolted, bearing type, lap connections in HSSs is that it becomes difficult to respect the traditional ductility requirement in terms of providing the bearing resistance not greater than the shear resistance of bolt. This leads to non-uniform distribution of forces between bolts. The project addresses demands for design of connecting plates and bolts in gusset plate and lap connections.
The proposed research is aimed to resolve the influence of fire-induced dynamic actions on structures. Achieving this goal requires acquiring knowledge about the behavior of materials at simultaneous high temperatures and high strain rates. This must be achieved experimentally. In this research, the… show more material of interest is structural steel used in civil engineering. The general conclusion on the state of the art is that steel properties at simultaneous high temperatures and high strain rates are not well-recognized research topics. Experimental results on material behavior allow for calibration of mathematical material models, then implementation into the structural model and finally, the analysis of the structure. t is postulated that steel structures exposed to fire and fire-induced dynamic actions can be successfully analyzed and modeled after gaining knowledge of the underlying physical phenomena related to the simultaneous effects of temperature and high strain rates on mechanical properties.
One third of the world, including sixty per cent of Africa, does not have access to early warning and climate information services. This is in particular true with regard to rainfall related warnings and climate information. The reason for this is the almost complete absence of weather radars on the… show more African continent and the lacking density of rainfall measurement stations. Especially for early warning of rainfall related hazards, timely availability of rainfall information is crucial. For early warning, real-time data availability is key. Both, CML and SML data, as well as GEOsat data are potentially available in real-time. Given that they have complementary advantages - GEOsat data has homogeneous spatial coverage and CML/SML data have better QPE but only on the local scale - a combined product would be highly beneficial. The main goal of this project is thus to develop and evaluate methods for merging GEOsat, CML and SML data that can be applied in real-time to provide QPE in developing countries. The basis for merging will be a generative deep-learning-based QPE method that allows constraints from spatial GEOsat as well as path-averaged CML and SML data.
Multiscale material modelling for additive manufacturing is one of the most promising development fields for future industries. To fully exploit the opportunities of multiscale structures, the topology optimisation of architectured (meta)materials must be accurate and accessible. This project… show more addresses two of the challenges in designing high-resolution architectured microstructures. First, an expensive computational homogenisation is solved by the fast Fourier transform-accelerated finite element solver, which is improved with the mesh coarsening technique based on low-rank tensor approximations. Second, as the manufacturing resolutions reach micrometre accuracy, surface effects such as adhesive contact are implicitly involved in the micromechanical model to accommodate phenomena associated with the increased surface-to-volume ratio. The project will be conducted in cooperation with leading experts on multiscale modelling and additive manufacturing from the livMatS Cluster of Excellence, Freiburg, Germany, with an emphasis on the knowledge transfer into the Czech environment.
The proposed project is focused on the fields of physical and material engineering, construction, surveying and mechanical engineering. The main goal of the project is the research of perspective methods and modern optoelectronic elements for the design, analysis and construction of optical… show more measuring and imaging systems with applications in many technology areas, both in macroscopic and microscopic scale. Special methods will be investigated for the design and construction of optical systems for imaging and metrology with the use of non-classic optoelectronic elements, which make possible to achieve better functional parameters than classic systems. Another aim of the project is to analyze possibilities of application of machine learning methods into the analysis of measurement data in selected methods of optical metrology and image quality testing. The project partially follows on the previous project SGS21/092/OHK1/2T/11 where 4 papers were published in prestigious international peer-reviewed journals.
The project is focused on increasing the sustainability of masonry and concrete structures using robots. This theme aims to address the current challenges in the construction industry, driven by the need to face the challenges of climate change, the increase in raw material and energy prices, the… show more transition to a circular economy and the ongoing changes in the labour market. It will build on the successful development of robotic systems for the construction of load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls and precast parts using 3D printing and robotic masonry technology, carried out at the proponent's department. The aim of the project will be a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the deployment of these systems in real construction conditions. This analysis will be carried out according to a wide range of parameters such as construction time, critical infrastructure locations, reduction of the carbon footprint of materials and processes, and reduction of energy and material consumption and waste production. In the second phase, the project will focus on the design of technical and technological innovations of the systems under assessment to further improve their efficiency. In order to achieve efficient output parameters, software systems for robot control and associated hardware will be optimised. In the third phase, these systems will be experimentally deployed in the robotic construction of load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls. In the last phase of the project, the newly implemented system elements will be evaluated and its impact on improving and streamlining the sustainability of masonry and concrete structures will be assessed. The proposed robotic wall construction systems are expected to be more competitive than conventional methods for the construction of load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls due to the innovations proposed in the project.
The project is aimed at the development, research and testing of high performance building composites. In the design of composites, the sustainability principles will be applied with specific focus on the reuse of waste and secondary raw materials, low energy performance of manufacturing and… show more reduction of carbon footprint, taking into consideration qualitative and quantitative functional properties and parameters of developed materials including their durability. The principal feature of investigations to be realized within the project solution is their complexity. Composite derivatives on the basis of silicate and calcium basis, modified Portland cement, magnesia binders, thermoplastic and reactoplastic matrices, geopolymer structures, sintered and rammed earth will be the subject of planned research. As filler, standard base materials used in construction industry including lightweight fillers, waste and secondary raw materials coming from biomass and municipal solid waste combustion, scrap ceramics, glass, plastics, agriculture byproducts, recycled concrete used tyres will be tested. The properties of selected composites will be enhanced by layered nano-additives. Thermal storage function will be improved by materials processing latent heat storage. The layered nano-additives and latent heat storage materials will be on a commercial basis and also prepared in laboratory in the frame of project solution. The multilevel design of composites will enable optimise their composition with respect to their functional parameters and performance. The characterization of prepared composites shall include testing of their micro- and macrostructure, morphology, chemical and phase composition, physical and mechanical parameters, durability, corrosion and high-temperature stability. This complex approach will enable to develop alternative eco-efficient composite materials of unique functional properties and added value for specific application in construction industry.
With the increasing number of timber buildings on the market, combined with their energy efficiency, the current issue is the detailed design of their structures, especially with regard to their thermal and moisture properties. For the safe design and implementation of these constructions, it is… show more necessary to have enough real data, but these are not commonly available. The aim of this presented project is the implementation of long-term measurements in the existing object, which will verify the existing numerical models. The results of the long-term measurements will be compared with existing numerical models, where the output will be the development of recommendations that can be used in construction practice.
Mapping of important works of art in the railway stations in the Czech Republic, determination of their values in the context of history and content with respect to its location. Creation of a public brochure for the purpose of increasing the positive perception of passenger rail transport,… show more awareness of the values of the relevant station buildings and for the representative purposes of the Railway Administration
The proposed project aims to improve the efficient design of supporting structures based on lower-scale structures and develop the algorithms of numerical modelling reflecting the imperfections caused by the manufacturing process. The project is divided into four tasks: 1) numerical modelling using… show more particle models; 2) description and reconstruction of random microstructures of heterogeneous materials using artificial intelligence; 3) modelling and testing of porous 3D printed structures from non-living materials; 4) validations against the data obtained for the biological wooden structures. The project's solution is based on modern imaging methods such as microDIC, advanced numerical algorithms and 3D printing optimization. The use of the project results is multidisciplinary and enters into various fields such as material engineering, biomechanics and building.
The proposed project deals with the study of the hydrological functioning of forest catchments affected by climate change. The project relies on the background of an experienced long-term cooperating scientific team and well-equipped experimental catchments in the Jizera Mountains and the Bohemian… show more Forest. The methodology of the solution is standard, and its strong point is the combination of field experimental research and original mathematical modeling. The project team is able to publish original results in the field of the submitted project.
Buildings and their surroundings under the pressure of ongoing climate change manifested, among other things, by intensifying extreme weather events and responsive legislative measures are increasingly including elements of so-called blue-green infrastructure such as green roofs, rainwater retention… show more and storage facilities consisting of functional layers of natural and man-made soils or substrates. Current practice, particularly in the field of green roofs, involves the use of specialized substrate mixtures with precisely designed hydraulic and chemical properties. Partially replacing these substrates with local or recycled materials in appropriate quantities and arrangements of functional layers can be a way to lower the cost of building green infrastructure, reduce negative environmental impacts and improve the overall performance of the soil system. Such solutions are currently being proposed intuitively. These designs may not be functional in terms of permeability, water retention, water filtration, chemical leaching, or promoting vegetation growth because some of the processes occurring in the soil environment are not entirely intuitive. The proposed project builds on a previous SGS project undertaken at the proponent's site, which resulted in both peer-reviewed publications and a significant contribution to teaching at the site, with students being given access to state-of-the-art technology and visiting international sites with the opportunity not only to gain important insights for further research, but also to present their own results. Methodologically, the project is based on procedures and knowledge that have been and are being acquired in natural ecosystems, e.g. in experimental mountain catchments. The aim of the present project is continuity and maintenance of both the quality of teaching of the students, who in their research deal with the blue-green infrastructure of cities and towns, not only in terms of man-made soils, but also natural soils. Empha
The proposed project is focused on experimental research of rainfall-runoff and erosion processes in agricultural landscapes. The project follows the previous project SGS20/156/OHK1/3T/11, during which two dissertations were defended and ten articles were published in impact journals. At the same… show more time, two new rainfall simulator devices have been constructed in conjunction with the project, allowing existing research to be extended with new research opportunities. The experimental catchments have been equipped with new sensors for detailed study of rainfall-runoff and soil properties. The project will include experimental measurement, monitoring and modelling of hydrological, erosion and transport processes. For this project, the experimental base of The Department of Landscape Water Conservation will be used. Specifically, the catchment areas of the Bykovicke and Nucice, where monitoring of crucial variables has been carried out for many years, these measurements need to be maintained and the measurement base is being expanded at the same time. Furthermore, research is being carried out in laboratory conditions at the faculty building. The project will be carried out in two complementary activities. 1. Experimental catchment areas The activity includes long-term monitoring in the experimental catchments of the Bykovice and Nucice. Monitoring of rainfall-runoff and erosion variables will be carried out in the catchments. These include measurements of rainfall, stream flow, temperature, soil moisture, soil surface conditions hydrological response of the catchment and turbidity. For monitoring erosion events, remote sensing methods will be used. Specifically, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) equipped with various sensors such as RGB cameras, multispectral cameras, thermal cameras and laser scanners (LIDAR) will be used. These valuable data will complement the long-maintained database and the data will be used to calibrate and validate mathematical models. The purpose
This project is focused on the potential use of viscose fibers in concrete. Since viscose is produced from natural materials and is industrially compostable at the same time, it seems to be a suitable alternative between synthetic and natural fibers. Mechanical properties, shrinkage, fire properties… show more and long-term behavior of concrete samples with viscose fibers will be explored.
This project is subsequent research according to previous diploma thesis "Influence of shear composite reinforcement on the concrete sandwich panels load capacity" in which shear linkage of thin outer layers made of high-performance concrete in connection with reinforcing ribs made of rigid thermal… show more insulant and covered with a carbon textile reinforcing grid was monitored. Three types of thermal insulation were tested within the diploma thesis (specifially purenit, foam glass and compacfoam) and compared based on thermo-mechanicall properties and their prices. Purenit was chosen as the best option linked to this applications and will be the only one used for further research. Main interest area will be amount of the carbon textile reinforcement used and its impact on the rigidity of the panel, behavior during the point load(punching) and also filling thermal insulation influence on load capacity and deformation of the panel. Moreover, various computational methods will be prepared and the most appropriate method will be selected for further research. All specifics will be optimized as a thickness of the concrete outer layer, dimensions and spacing of the shear ribs as well as amount of the carbon textile reinforcement used. Above all, the adjusted panel will be prepared for four-point bending test and contrasted with a calculations. As a result of all these aspects, the suitable application and utilization will be described. The sandwich panels in this project are supposed to use for curtain walling(facades) of hall buildings without other fixed supports f.e. longitudinal beams.
Urban planning and spatial planning are disciplines with a large range of scales, which creates the need for specialization of individual professions. The creation of public space is thus logically a different discipline from landscape planning. Differences in scale affect the detail of the… show more solutions chosen, but above all they require coordination and continuity of the different procedures and strategic documents. It is precisely a certain complexity and interconnectedness of spatial planning that is the theme for the work of the team associated with the Department of Urbanism and Spatial Planning. The project team is composed of members with different backgrounds, which allows to cover a wide range of issues and to produce outputs that will provide a comprehensive overview and depth of issues at all levels of planning. Thus, the grant activity will focus on the formulation of spatial planning issues ranging from landscape planning and design, to city planning as a whole, to issues of individual spaces. In each component of this spatial formation, the research team will analyse the current state of the art and place the researched facts in the context of the complexity of the planning system. The output in this sense should be the naming of issues between the scales and for each of the themes separately. Whether it is the poor applicability of landscape studies or the limited scope of the master plan as an instrument. The constraints in this case are both spatial, where the link to the landscape and adjacent master plans can be problematic, and inward towards the creation of public spaces, which are more likely to require spatial planning represented by the little-used instrument of regulatory plans. At the scale of public spaces, it is then a question of their form, adaptation to climate change, but also the social needs of the inhabitants from these spaces. Activities during the grant will also have an educational component aimed at raising awareness of planning a
The project deals with the issue of use or processing of excavated material, as a product of excavation by earth pressure balance shields, mainly in the mode with full support of the face (so-called closed mode). The extracted rock is conditioned with water and chemical agents (mainly foams and… show more polymers) to achieve the required consistency to effectively excavate in the full face support excavation mode. The material conditioned in this way has a plastic consistency and is therefore difficult to process further or to place in geotechnical structures. During the excavation of the longest railway tunnel in the Czech Republic - the Ejpovice tunnel - material was deposited in the old mine in Kyšice, which is located closely to the tunnel. At present - i.e. about 8 years after the construction of the Ejpovice tunnels - it is possible to take samples from the excavated material, which has naturally consolidated over time and continues to consolidate. From a set of tests on the samples taken, it would then be possible to infer how the specific material, which the excavated material of the earth pressure balance shields is, behaves in the long term. At the same time, this research should indicate what procedures could be used to handle the soil during the excavation of the tunnels in question. This issue is currently being addressed in connection with the preparation of the construction of the Metro D tunnels in Prague or the Beroun tunnel on the Prague-Pilsen railway line. This would have a very positive impact on the overall economic costs of underground works.
In the Czech Republic, a preparation of high-speed railway lines construction according to principles adopted from France has currently been done. Its substructure is among others to be made of a two sub-ballast layers of asphalt concrete and aggregate. For all sections of high-speed railway lines… show more in the Czech Republic, a uniform composition of sub-ballast layers on the subgrade surface with prescribed bearing capacity is assumed. However, there is an assumption that with the use of a stabilizing geogrid, the thickness of these layers could be reduced while maintaining or increasing the deformation resistance and service life of the structure, which would lead to a more economical design with the potential of reducing the amount of necessary aggregate and asphalt concrete significantly. The main content of this project is the periodic measurement of data in a test section with variant compositions of sub-ballast layers containing layers of asphalt concrete and aggregates in different thicknesses supplemented by a stabilizing geogrid, which was built in the summer of 2023. Based on the obtained data, it will be possible to provide a comprehensive set of knowledge for a more economic design of the composition of sub-ballast layers for high-speed railway lines in the Czech Republic with the potential to significantly reduce the amount of necessary aggregate and asphalt concrete to Správa železnic, s. o. The project is proposed in accordance with the focus of its proponent, and its results will be a major contribution to his dissertation.
The aim of this study is the application of bioindication methods to evaluate hydrological processes (quantity and quality) in protected headwater catchments. Methods of Ellenberg indicator values will be used for the assessment of soil-vegetation complex in watersheds; dendrochronology and benthic… show more organisms for the detection of extreme hydrological events. The planned field investigations will use the existing long-term observations of hydrological phenomena in headwater catchments of the Jizera Mountains region.
As a result of the existence of a number of migration barriers, the river network has been fragmented in the past and now poses a threat to the maintenance of sustainable biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. In order to restore free migration, the construction of fish passes (FP) has long been… show more promoted in our country. These measures allow migrating organisms to overcome the difference in transverse stage levels and thus meet the strategic objectives of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of the Environment. In practice, however, the proposed measure does not necessarily correspond with the implemented measure and only the resulting hydraulic and biological monitoring allows an objective assessment of the effectiveness of the FP design. Engineering FPs have a number of advantages over natural FPs in terms of more predictable hydraulic conditions, technical feasibility, economic efficiency and operational requirements. The main variables that influence migration efficiency are the bed slope, flow velocity, flow rate and internal arrangement of obstacles in the FP route. The 3D mathematical modelling approach will use the shape optimisation method, which allows the automatic search for the optimal geometry of the bypassed structures based on specified criteria. The obtained results will be followed by experimental research on a physical hydraulic model. The CTU has a WM laboratory with a modernised tilting trough allowing continuous adjustment of the longitudinal trough inclination and setting a wide range of flow rates. This procedure allows optimization of the internal layout of the FP line even at limiting longitudinal slopes under high flow rates.
Climate change is now increasingly affected the function of reservoirs and water levels in watercourses. In the context of future climate change, there is a prediction of a decrease in the volume of water in the snow cover of the river basins in the Czech Republic during the winter months and an… show more increase in precipitation during the summer months. These changes in the winter months are likely to result in a reduction in flood wave volumes during spring floods and, conversely, an increase in flows during summer floods. This implies that the need to size storage volumes in reservoirs for flood protection during spring floods needs to be verified, and that flood protection due to the redistribution of precipitation affected by climate change also needs to be verified during the summer months. This project is intended to examine the required retention volumes of the reservoirs in the context of the climate changes that are very likely to occur in future years in order to verify the safety of the dams.
The cement industry and the related concrete industries are the basis of the modern industrial economy, but they account for roughly 7 % of total global CO2 emissions and 4 % of CO2 emissions in the European Union. As part of the EU's commitments to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, the pair of… show more industries face an extremely challenging path to decarbonisation across the life cycle of these materials. The overall decarbonization potential of these measures at the level of the entire construction industry, including the chosen material base, is actually a complex interplay of many factors - the availability of individual raw materials and materials, the composition of demand for cement and concrete in end applications, and related technical and economic parameters. The goal of the proposed project is the development of building materials that meet future legislative requirements from the point of view of environmental protection and at the same time the improvement and expansion of functional properties. The primary emphasis will be on replacing Portland cement using available waste/secondary materials based on fly ash, construction waste and other industrial by-products. In addition to the detailed characterization of the microstructure, hydration mechanisms and mechanical parameters, emphasis will be placed on the integration of the latest knowledge from the fields of economics and environmental protection. In order to meet these parameters, innovative assessment methods will be proposed that will be in line with the requirements of sustainable development and the principles of the circular economy. An important part will be the use of multi-criteria optimization to maximize synergistic effects and the development of innovative building materials with a high level of utility value and minimal impact on the environment.
Humanity has always strived for purity and the safety it brings: whether through ensuring the cleanliness of our drinking water or, consequently, managing the byproducts of water treatment processes - the sludge. Historically, the coagulation/flocculation processes has proved to be the workhorses… show more behind this endeavor. However, this process, which is so crucial to drinking water treatment, sludge management, and, inter alia, ore extraction, is still underexplored considering our potential to understand it more deeply today. In Czech Republic (and, most conceivably, in the whole world), this aspect of water treatment and sludge management is often conducted based on a hunch and/or broad generalizations, leading to suboptimal levels in both economic and technological terms. A recent tug across the European Union to transition to material/resource recovery and the emergence of new technologies like high rate activated sludge (HRAS), as well as the sustainability commitments assumed by the Czech Republic as part of its "Circular Czech Republic 2040 Strategic Framework" make the further study and optimization of the coagulation/flocculation a necessary venture instead of a pointless endeavor. One way to achieve this is to abandon unreliable rules of thumb and global parameters when designing or optimizing the flocculators, and to use computational fluid dynamics (CFD)-driven jar tests instead, which allow for accurate modeling of the suspension formation process up to a microscale. The mixing parameters directly impact the properties of the aggregates (flocs) from their creation to break up and so by tracking the much smaller local velocity gradients we can better understand the size dynamics of flocs and their influence on the overall aggregation process. This deeper understanding of the flocculation dynamics facilitates a fine-tuning of the flocculator's performance, ensuring its optimal functioning in terms of achieving the desired floc properties. Furthermore, a pro
In the Czech concept for the design of a deep repository for radioactive waste, bentonite is assumed to be used as a sealing barrier. Bentonite is expected to be used to seal the spaces between the container and the disposal well (buffer) and to seal the access corridors (backfil). Bentonite is used… show more as a sealing material in a wide range of areas (sealing of sumps, landfills, dams, sealing of garden ponds, etc.) because of its exceptional properties such as its ability to swell and its very low hydraulic conductivity, and it is a natural raw material. The form of bentonite to be used for deep storage is not yet known. The buffer can be constructed from compacted bentonite blocks or the space can be filled with compacted pellets of different sizes and dry density. Both variants of bentonite form have advantages and disadvantages in terms of storage technology, financial requirements, etc. However, from a safety point of view it is essential for the material to have homogeneous properties. We know from previous research, in particular from the results of the European EURAD Task 2 project, that in a deep repository the gas generation will occur and may cause mechanical failure of the sealing bentonite layer ('breakthrough'). The objective of this project is to deal with influence of inhomogeneities (joints between bentonite blocks, free space between pellets) on the integrity of the sealing barrier. To achieve the objective, small and medium scale gas permeability measurement experiments will be prepared with inhomogeneous material under laboratory and in-situ conditions (at the Underground laboratory Josef).
RECONMATIC represents a paradigm shift in CDW management, from the traditionally conservative approach of construction industry that is struggling to reach the target of high rate of waste recovery, to embracing readily available technologies and maximise the potential of the New European Green Deal… show more. The technologies to be employed in this project (digital twin, blockchain-based applications, construction product routing, precision prefabrication, effective sorting through automation and robotics etc.) will be developed, described and demonstrated to such a detail to reach high technological readiness levels (TRLs) and enable smooth and rapid adoption by all stakeholders within the construction sector worldwide.
Experimental evidence indicates that filtration through unsaturated porous media exhibits a hysteretic behavior. This phenomenon arises at a microscopic level, and can be explained by the surface tension on the contact between water and air in the pores. As a result, the pressure-saturation… show more constitutive relation turns out to be of hysteresis type, and can be accurately described resorting to the Preisach operator. The main objective of the MulPHys project is to expand the knowledge and build new mathematical models of Preisach hysteresis in unsaturated porous media, employing a multiscale approach. The capability of the Preisach operator to describe the hysteretic behavior of unsaturated porous solids during filtration was proved experimentally employing a thorough fitting procedure. This sparked an intense research effort in the community of experts in PDEs with hysteresis, with the goal of including the Preisach operator in mathematical models. In these works the presence of a microstructure was neglected, being the approach directly macroscopic. On the other hand, a rich literature has looked at porous media as objects with a microstructure, and has derived the macroscopic description of fluid flow from the local behavior. In these papers, however, the porous media is often assumed to be completely saturated, so that no hysteresis can occur. With the present project we will fill the gap between the two research areas, employing homogenization techniques to provide a justification of the Preisach operator as the correct tool to describe filtration. Particular attention will be paid to the problems of including gravity effects in the model and understanding the solid-liquid interaction at the microscopic level. Numerical simulations and laboratory experiments will be instrumental in achieving the objectives. A significant impact is thus expected either on the scientific community, on the professional sectors and, indirectly, on the whole society.
BLASTEX aims to jumpstart the development of self-centering (SC) reinforced concrete members that absorb blast energy with minimal damage, utilizing textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) strengthening layers for swift functional recovery. TRC layers dissipate energy through controlled crack formation in… show more the cementitious matrix, while elastic textile reinforcement acts as a restorative spring, returning the structure to its original position after blast inertial loads are removed. While SC principles are well-established in seismic-resistant steel structures, their application in blast-resilient reinforced concrete remains unexplored. BLASTEX bridges this gap, leveraging SC to enhance blast resilience, eliminate the need for demolition, and reduce waste generation and associated emissions in new construction. During the outgoing phase at Virginia Tech (VT, US, 2 yr.), I will perform blast tests using the unique Shock Tube Laboratory, validate numerical models, and optimize SC design parameters. At Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU, CZ, incoming phase, 1 yr.), I will conduct numerical parametric studies and develop guidelines to facilitate SC implementation. At MOB-Bars (CZ, non-academic placement, 6 mo.), a start-up specializing in blast-resistant systems, I will examine SC protective design deployment in the commercial sector. With MSCA funding, I will benefit from three forms of mentorship: (i) close collaboration with Dr. Eric Jacques, a Shock Tube Laboratory director and expert on infrastructure resilience, blast protection, and energetic materials, (ii) academic leadership/research facility management training (Prof. Petr Konvalinka, former CTU Rector), and (iii) collaboration with Dr. Jindřich Fornůsek (MOB-Bars CEO). BLASTEX will facilitate US-EU knowledge transfer, enabling the researcher to find a future tenure-track position while honing his leadership/fundraising skills in blast research and the design of experimental facilities.
Our Vision With the European Joint Programme on Radioactive Waste Management EURAD(-1) a step change in European collaboration was envisaged towards safe radioactive waste management (RWM), covering all phases including predisposal and disposal, through the development of a robust and sustained… show more science, technology and knowledge management programme that supports timely implementation of RWM activities and serves to foster mutual understanding and trust between Joint Programme participants. EURAD-2 builds upon EURAD-1 and PREDIS to further implement a joint strategic programme of research, development and knowledge management activities at the European level, bringing together and complementing EU Member States programmes in order to ensure cutting edge knowledge creation and preservation in view of delivering safe, responsible and publicly acceptable solutions for the management of radioactive waste throughout all programme phases (from “cradle to grave”) across Europe now and in the future. EURAD-2 will support the implementation of the Waste Directive in EU Member States, taking into account the various stages of advancement of national programmes, the differences in capabilities and inventories. The main goals are to: - Support Member States in developing and implementing their national RD&D programmes for the safe long‐term management of their full range of different types of radioactive waste through participation in the RWM Joint Programme; - Develop and consolidate existing knowledge for the safe start of operation of the first geological disposal facilities for spent fuel, high‐level waste, and other long‐lived radioactive waste, and supporting optimization linked with the stepwise implementation of geological disposal facilities; - Building on the achievements of EURAD-1 and PREDIS, maintain a knowledge management system that enhances transfer of knowledge between organisations, Member States and generations.
The Geospatial Artificial Intelligence Analysis for Tailings Storage Facilities (GAIA-TSF) aims to design and develop the prototype of a model based on satellite earth observation and machine learning algorithms to achieve continuous multi-level/multi-scale characterisation and monitoring of… show more Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs). To achieve this goal, GAIA-TSF consortium will engage in interdisciplinary and international collaborative research and development, integrating the fields of geoscience, Earth Observation, and Machine Learning Science. The project will focus on establishing strong interactions with user communities (mining authorities and mining industry) involved in TSF operational activities with the aim of defining clear customer-specific functional and technical requirements.
AGREEWATER aims to improve knowledge and tools to increase adoption of natural water retention measures (NWRMs) in agricultural landscapes for sustainable production, climate resilience and healthy environment. Specifically, we will improve knowledge on the potential for adoption of NWRMs, and the… show more functioning of small agricultural catchments with respect to hydrology, nutrient flows and agricultural management. This knowledge will include tools to evaluate the cost-benefit of NWRMs, and comprehensive analysis on effects on water quantity and quality, the environment and society. AGREEWATER will take a multi-actor approach to assess opportunities across over 30 research locations and 10 pilot catchments in 10 EU countries covering the Boreal, Continental and Pannonian biogeographic regions. We will develop new comprehensive understanding on the benefits and opportunities and realistic scope for cost-efficient investments across the regions to inform local farmers and extension, as well as EU policy actors. AGREEWATER will achieve this through several strategic project activities. 1) We will study the potential for the implementation of NWRMs in a network of agricultural research catchments across the EU to inform on scalability. 2) We will use an inclusive approach of multi-actor engagements, including farmers, for co-learning in pilot catchments, to share and develop new knowledge on NWRMs applicability, efficiency and benefits. 3) We will produce open access (public goods) in a catalogue of NWRMs, adapt decision support tools, and produce guidelines on how to implement NWRMs at the farm/small catchment scale. 4) We will strengthen existing and build new linkages and collaborations at the EU level, and among national actors to achieve informed decision and adoption of NWRMs for sustainable water resources and agricultural production. AGREEWATER will contribute to the AGENDA 2030 SDG goals, and further to EU Water Directive and Common Agricultural Policy.
TUdi is conceived as a transformative project, integrating 15 academic and SME partners, to develop, upscale and disseminate soil restoring strategies in three major agricultural systems (cereal based rotations, tree crops and grasslands), different farm typologies and environmental conditions in… show more Europe, China and New Zealand. Aimed to lead the way in improving soil health across EU, China and New Zealand, it rests on two pillars: 1) a network of 42 cooperating stakeholder organisations for defining, implementing and upscaling soil restoring strategies in multiple farms; b) a network of 66 long-term experiments and monitored farms in the participating countries. From them, TUdi will identify soil degradation situations, proven strategies for restoring soil health, and barriers and possibilities for its adoption at farm level, including gender dimensions. This bottom-up approach will develop a set of digital tools, compatible with platforms for optimizing CAP implementation in Europe, to predict the impact of these strategies on nutrient and water balance, yield, cost-benefit and farm operations. They will guide farmers in implementing strategies to restore soil health by overcoming barriers for adoption, with rigorous cost-benefit analyses central to farmer appraisal. Solutions will be scaled up over a large number of farms through partners engaged in the cooperators network, including training of stakeholders, developing technical materials and elaborating policy briefs. It will be complemented by communicating project challenges and results to society, raising awareness of the relevance of healthy soils for sustainable development. Providing a blueprint for development and dissemination of soil restoring strategies at large scale, it will contribute to key initiatives like the EU and China Research Agenda for Agriculture and EU Mission on Soil Heath and Food. Training farmers, staff and early career scientists in sustainable soil use will result in lasting legacy.
Reaching the national and EU 2030 energy and climate objectives requires a major transformation of the skills and knowledge along the whole value chain of the construction industry, which needs to be ready to deliver quality deep energy renovations and zero-emission buildings. As evidenced by the… show more recent BUILD UP Skills Status Quo analyses, insufficient capacity of the construction industry is a significant bottleneck on the way to decarbonize the building stock in time. To tackle this challenge, the DiVirtue project aims at creating new construction sector capacities in 5 countries via digitalization of existing and new training schemes for students and construction professionals. This will be achieved through the development of innovative construction skills training materials with application of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies. The training schemes will be created in English and the 5 national languages for at least 8 selected topics based on the training needs related to the specific targeted professions, targeting gaps and deficiencies identified in the national BUILD UP Skills qualification roadmaps. To simulate future uptake and capacities in VR upskilling, the project will provide training and consultations for acting teachers and educational establishments, as will as pilot training of at least 600 building professionals in 40 individual courses. The newly developed VR training environment and materials will be freely accessible for any interested educational or training institution, targeting full integration in the national educational frameworks and broad endorsement at institutional level. The project is based on the extensive experience of project partners in the BUILD UP Skills initiative, as it will fully utilise the active networks in the national qualification platforms, already attracting the support of nearly 60 external organisations - among them ministries, universities, energy agencies and multiple product manufacturers.
Hlavním cílem projektu je zvýšit odolnost zemědělské - kulturní krajiny zemědělských podniků a zývýšení biodiverzity vůči změnám klimatu zaváděním systémového pojetí adaptační zelené sítě do zemědělské krajiny s maximálním environmentálním přínosem a minimálním dopadem na ekonomické i technické… show more fungování zemědělských podniků. Navrhovaný přístup k prostorovému uspořádání podniku se soustředí na 4 oblasti adaptace: i) posouzení adaptačních opatření z hlediska hydrologického režimu, ii) minimalizace půdních rizik, iii) teplotní adaptace farmy a iv) podpora biodiverzity v měnícím se prostředí. Systémové pojetí bude navrženo pro různou vlastnickou i produkční strukturu podniků. Navržené postupy budou vycházet ze stávajících dotačních evropských i národních podpor v souladu s legislativou a strategickými cíli EU, ale jejich udržitelnost bude postavena také na analýze dlouhodobých přínosů a zohlednění ekonomické bilance farem. Jejich fungování bude nastaveno na základě analýzy bariér a potřeb zemědělských podniků aj. a definováno tak, aby mohly v budoucnosti obstát i samostatně jako kostra adaptace zemědělské krajiny. Hlavní cíle projektu jsou i) překonání bariér pro zavádění krajinných struktur v zemědělských podnicích s různými vlastnickými poměry, ii) vytvoření přístupného a dlouhodobě využitelného systému zavádění multifunkční adaptační a ochranné zelené sítě do zemědělských podniků, iii) získání státní podpory pro tento přístup a iv) zavedení metodiky přístupu do zemědělské praxe.
Opportunistic precipitation sensing uses crowd-sourced (amateur) data from personal weather stations or data from unintentional precipitation sensors such as commercial microwave links for precipitation monitoring. OPENSENSE will bring together scientists investigating different opportunistic… show more sensing techniques, experts from national weather services, and owners of sensor networks to i) identify and overcome key barriers preventing exchange of data and their acceptance as meteorological observations ii) coordinate development of new methods for quality control, retrieval and uncertainty evaluation iii) coordinate integration of the opportunistic precipitation observations with traditional monitoring networks, and iv) identify and access potential new sources of precipitation and other weather observations. The network involves experts from a variety of fields including meteorology, climatology, hydrology, environmental engineering, statistics, signal processing, electrical engineering, telecommunication, and sociology.
The project ADVANCE (Accompanying measure for Dissemination, Valorisation and Collaborative Exploitation of circularity of constructional steel products) aims at valorisation and dissemination of the achievements of project addressing sustainable use of steel products in buildings such as PROGRESS … show more(Provisions for Greater Reuse of Steel Structures), SB-STEEL and LVS3 in order to support fast and efficient implementation of the Circular Economy of constructional steel. The proposed project will provide specific technical guidance and recommendations for reuse of existing and future steelwork (European recommendations for reuse of steel products) in 7 languages, informative brochure in 9-12 languages, online & mobile tool for the evaluation of the environmental benefits of reuse, and a series of 7 dedicated workshops/seminars around the Europe. 11 organisations will be participating in the project implementation (2 research institutes, 4 industrial associations, demolition contractor and 4 universities). All of the following target groups from 'Circular Economy Principles for Buildings Design' will benefit from the project results and will be addressed: (1) Building users, facility managers and owners, (2) Design teams (engineering & architecture of buildings), (3) Contractors and builders, (4) Manufacturers of construction products, (5) Deconstruction and demolition teams, (6) Investors, developers and insurance providers, (7) Government / Regulators / Local authorities.
The objective of this project is to bring easy application of the web tapered steel members and structures, with and without openings, at normal and fire conditions by establishing the engineering design rules, guidelines and recommendations. TaperFrame is driven by the urgent necessity to comply… show more with European sustainability standards and the growing recognition of the environmental impact on building structures. It aims to achieve a more efficient design approach by enhancing performance while minimising material usage. Cellular beams and web tapered members are regarded as an intelligent and efficient technological solution for attaining these objectives in the field of steel design. Present practice inadequately consider the complex interaction between local-global failure modes and the influence of material and geometric imperfections on the overall resistance of slender section members, resulting in overly conservative design rules. Additionally, these rules do not cover cellular members subjected to axial forces, which are beyond their scope of applicability. In addition, specific fire design rules for web tapered members are lacking, penalizing the competitiveness of steel solutions. Steel portal frames with these members exhibit the additional complexity arising from the interaction of failure modes between the members, lack well-defined guidelines for the global analysis and application of stability verification rules, and lack methodologies for accurately determining deflections for serviceability limit state verifications if cellular members are considered. Given that these structures are specifically engineered for optimisation, it is imperative that appropriate design principles are established to fully leverage their benefits. Hence, this project will address these serious limitations by conducting a thorough numerical and experimental research ultimately contributing for scientific advancements that promote steel usage.
The Research and Development Centre for Circular Economy will concentrate excellent scientific and innovation teams and capacities with the ambition to integrate its sites in Třinec and Ostrava into the system of national reference laboratories. CirkArena builds on a broad partnership, will be a… show more bridge between the technology and knowledge base and will help accelerate R&D, innovation and education activities in the field of circular economy. In June 2021, the CirkArena project was selected as one of the strategic projects of the Moravian-Silesian Region, that will apply for funding from the OP Fair Transformation.
Projekt se věnuje vývoji softwarových řešení v oblasti ceníku pro konzultační a projekční práce, společného datového prostředí a jeho rozhraní pro programování a integrace, dopravně inženýrských simulací a využití digitálních modelu staveb pro správu a údržbu.
Cílem projektu je předat znalosti o generování a modelování porézních struktur pro výrobu implantátů s využitím gyroidní struktury jako osseointegrační vrstvy. Projekt se zaměřuje na naučení výrobní firmy modelovat struktury s ohledem na změny porozity a modulu pružnosti a tím zvýšit dlouhodobou… show more stabilitu implantátů v kostní tkáni. Dále se bude předávat znalost o numerickém modelování a počítání těchto struktur prostřednictvím softwaru na metodu konečných prvků.
The aim of the project is to compile a methodology for verifying the soil protection effect of various crop cultivation technologies directly in operating conditions and to design and verify such methods of antierosion protection in agricultural enterprises that will be effective, environmentally… show more friendly and which will not endanger the competitiveness of Czech agriculture. By verifying in cooperating companies, at the same time, improve farming methods directly in cooperation with farms. Present proven practices to agricultural practice and the professional community and the relevant state administration bodies.
Navržený projekt si klade za cíl pasportizaci a analýzu tvrdých omítek, používaných na fasádách stavebních objektů z 1. poloviny 20. století, a návrh směsí a technologie nanášení pro jejich obnovu. Pro realizaci hlavního cíle bude nutné splnit následující dílčí úkoly: 1. Zmapování výskytu… show more autentických tvrdých omítek. Bude se jednat o rešerši literatury a průzkum výskytu historických objektů z 1. poloviny 20. století opatřených tvrdými omítkami na programovém území v souladu s projektovou dokumentací, základní výběr cca 100 objektů a následná selekce 20 objektů pro stavebně technický průzkum a analýzy. 2. Stavebně technický průzkum fasád a odběr vzorků omítek z vytipovaných historických objektů z 1. poloviny 20. století. 3. Komplexní analýza odebraných vzorků omítek. 4. Technologie přípravy omítkových směsí a jejich charakterizace v raném stadiu. Jedná se o návrh složení omítkových směsí vhodných pro obnovu konkrétních historických tvrdých omítek odebraných z historických objektů a sledování jejich vlastností a složení v raném stadiu. 5. Stanovení fyzikálních vlastností navržených směsí (mikrostruktura, složení, mechanické, tepelné a vlhkostní vlastnosti). 6. Stanovení ekologických a ekonomických parametrů navržených směsí. 7. Hodnocení možností obnovy historických tvrdých omítek navrženými omítkovými směsmi na základě posouzení jejich chování ve stavebních konstrukcích a jejich ekologických a ekonomických parametrů. 8. Vytvoření památkového postupu obnovy povrchových vrstev objektů z 1. poloviny 20. století.
Předkládaný projekt se zabývá architekturním a slavnostním osvětlením exteriéru památkových objektů a urbanistických struktur v historickém kontextu. V posledních letech dochází k rychlému rozvoji osvětlovací techniky. Roste její účinnost, cenová dostupnost, nabízí se mnoho vizuálních efektů,… show more které by ještě před deseti lety byly zcela nedostupné. Zatímco v době jejích vzniku byly historické objekty navrhovány pro denní osvětlení a jejich osvětlení po západu slunce bylo technicky nemožné, dnešní trend je opačný a elektrické osvětlování objektů se stává záležitostí obvyklou až nezbytnou. Pro navrhování architekturního osvětlení neexistuje žádné původní příkladné řešení, ani se nelze opřít o žádnou metodikou ani legislativou upřesňující správný návrh světelných parametrů. Současná legislativa stanoví pouze požadavky na osvětlení z hlediska bezpečnosti a orientace v nočním prostředí. Důsledkem je často osvětlení bez ohledu na historický charakter objektu, atmosféru a genius loci blízkého okolí. Zřetelné jsou tendence k nadužívání světla, zbytečné přesvětlování objektů, nevhodné směrování světla či umístění zdrojů způsobující oslnění. Správně nastavené světelné parametry mohou zvýšit estetickou a kulturně historickou kvalitu osvětlovaných objektů, omezit negativní vliv světla na okolí a snížit energetickou náročnost osvětlení. Prostředkem k vytvoření kvalitního světelného prostředí je především nalezení přiměřeného jasu na fasádách objektů, vhodně zvolené spektrální složení a směrování světla v prostoru. Zřetel by měl být brán také na dodržování noční doby i s ohledem na potřeby přírodních společenstev i člověka. Konkrétním výstupem projektu jsou funkční vzorky osvětlovacích systémů instalované v aplikačních lokalitách historických památek UNESCO. Pomocí těchto instalací, jejich objektivním vyhodnocením i subjektivním posouzením bude sestavena metodika architekturního a slavnostního osvětlování historických budov a prostranství.
Všeobecným cílem výzkumu je identifikovat aktuální a predikovatelná antropogenní a přírodní rizika ohrožující historické kulturní krajiny (HiKK) – součást národního kulturního dědictví České republiky; v rámci vybraných celků HiKK popsat jejich hodnoty a sledovat jejich zranitelnost různými druhy… show more rizik, zejména s ohledem na hrozby plynoucí z exploatace a intenzifikace využívání území, ztráty společenského povědomí a nedocenění kulturně-historických hodnot krajiny, jakož i přírodních rizik souvisejících s globálními změnami klimatu. V kontextu vývoje krajiny, který je odrazem společenských a přírodních vlivů, rozvinout inovativní praktické nástroje využitelné v oblasti plánování a správy krajiny, památkové péče a spolupracujících oborů, směřující k minimalizaci dopadů výše uvedených ohrožení kulturně-historických hodnot krajiny. Konkrétními dílčími cíli vedoucími k naplnění všeobecného cíle jsou 1) vymezit na celém území ČR cenné segmenty vybraných typů dochovaných (strukturálně výrazných) HiKK, a to ve vazbě na certifikovanou národní typologii historické kulturní krajiny a standard sledovaných jevů ÚAP; 2) definovat hlavní globální i lokální rizika a ohrožení cenných HiKK, jak antropogenní, tak přírodní povahy; 3) na vybraných modelových územích vyhodnotit a popsat indikátory hrozeb a následně definovat vhodné přístupy k eliminaci či kompenzaci negativních vlivů přiměřenými opatřeními a 4) kreativní formou komunikovat a prezentovat zainteresovaným stranám v území společenskou a památkovou hodnotu uvedených HiKK a vize jejich rozvoje v kontextu soudobých proměn krajiny. Projekt navazuje a rozvíjí dosažené výsledky předchozího výzkumu v oblasti HiKK a usiluje o zlepšení podmínek pro ochranu a uchování této části kulturního dědictví, s akcentem na její budoucí vývoj. Je plně v souladu se závazky, které pro ČR vyplývají z národní legislativy a mezinárodních úmluv.
The immovable industrial heritage, cultural heritage and national identity, has still been on the periphery of the interest of a part of the professional and lay public. Quantity of buildings is endangered and only an insignificant percentage of them is protected. An appropriate form of preservation… show more, in which the majority of the defined values of a building is protected so that the building to be able to be further actively used for new, most often non-manufacturing functions, is the current issue. Since the 1970s these methods of adaptation have been proven abroad and with some delay also in our country by many realizations. The specific examples and approaches to reuse prove that in the complex process of the rescue of the industrial heritage there is a lack of understanding of the relationship between the original characteristics of manufacturing and the new function. The project perceives as the main criteria the adaptability of the building and its compatibility with the new function, characteristics often ignored in the evaluation of the quality of industrial buildings and the design of their new use leading to misunderstandings between the sides concerned about the meaning and possibilities of the new use. The aim of the project is to identify and define the features of the industrial heritage objects that facilitate their new use and ensure their active protection and effective next use. The relation between the original building substance and the new use will be investigated on 2 levels. 1. assessment of the characteristics of each typological type of industrial buildings 2. description of the new potential function The theoretical part will be supported by examples of current realizations and projects from Czechia and abroad. An analysis of general group features will be made as well of the methodically sorted out possibilities of sustainable use - preserving cultural values and the necessary degree of authenticity of the building and the environment.
Cílem projektu je vytvořit prostředky k podrobné analýze, zpřístupnění a efektivní aplikaci výzkumu významného kulturního fenoménu vrcholného a pozdního středověku – vyměřování stavebních částí a článků pomocí geometrických konstrukcí a z nich sestavovaných proporčních sítí v době před zavedením… show more deskriptivní geometrie. Základem historického navrhování a vykreslování tvarů byla v přednovověké době aplikace geometrie – souhrnu praktických znalostí a dovedností při práci s kružítkem a šňůrou (pravítkem). Tento proces generování tvarů byl jedním z klíčových faktorů vzniku středověkých artefaktů nehledě na jejich rozměry a účel. Jeho existence a principy však nejsou při externím posuzování tvaru díla, zejména v případě děl menších rozměrů, rozpoznatelné. Přímé doklady řemeslného vykreslování (drobná rytá geometrická graffiti, šablony ryté do kamene) nejsou jako významná součást kulturního dědictví často rozpoznány. Dochází nejen k jejich přehlížení, mylné interpretaci, ale i zániku. Projekt si klade za cíl podniknout výzkum historického navrhování tvarů z hlediska praktických řemeslných postupů s cílem zpřístupnit hodnoty této významné součásti kulturního dědictví a využít poznatky pro potřeby zachování historických objektů. Vypracování památkového postupu pro systematickou aplikaci výsledků výzkumu nabídne nástroj k identifikaci a analýze historického vynášení tvarů i adekvátnímu využití znalostí o něm v péči o památky. Veřejná databáze vytvoří platformu pro shromažďování, výklad a uchování dat o nálezech přímých dokladů tohoto fenoménu a předejde trvalým informačním ztrátám. Výstava s názornou prezentací poznatků zpřístupní ty hodnoty kulturního dědictví, které nespočívají pouze v estetické kvalitě historických artefaktů, ale i v technologických řešeních, která spoluurčovala proces jejich vzniku.
Boundaries are a concept that expresses the activity of society since its beginnings, linked to various forms of boundaries and landmarks. It is a spatial phenomenon, influenced by many aspects, mainly territorial-administrative, power and ideological, ethnic, religious, cultural or mental. New… show more boundaries continuously emerge, change, disappear and interpenetrate in layers. Understanding the subject of borders in terms of their identification, i.e. their temporal, horizontal and vertical layers is very difficult for the public and many experts, both domestic and foreign. The main aim of the present project is to create a concept of the basic groups of borders and border changes in the Czech lands with a link to the Central European space from the Middle Ages to the end of the 20th century; to process the basic files of individual types of borders; to analyse, compare and interpret the obtained data; to make the research results available to the general and professional public, and thus to present, as far as possible, a comprehensive picture of borders and their changes. This objective is in line with specific objective 1.1 National and cultural identity in history and archaeology. The proposed project will be carried out in three phases within five thematic modules: I. Boundaries, their typology, symbolism and ways of expression in extant sources; II. Borders as a reflection of territorial governance, power ambitions and conflicts; III. Borders as a reflection of ethnic, linguistic and cultural anthropological phenomena and processes; IV. Borders as a reflection of historical specificities and anomalies; V. Borders as a reflection of the diversity of opinions in contemporary society. The main application outputs of the project will be a set of publicly available specialized maps with specialized content, an exhibition with a critical catalogue and a specialized public database, supplemented by secondary outputs (monographs, scientific articles and conferences).
Projekt je zacílen na výzkum kulturního, sociálního, ekonomického a dopravně technického vývoje železnic v českých zemích / Československu. Cílem je zkoumat železnici v širokém kontextu vývoje společnosti a její modernizace, ke níž železnice významně přispěla. V takovém kontextu dosud nebyl fenomén… show more železnice dostatečně zkoumán. Dosavadní bádání se soustředila buď na technicko-provozní data lokomotivního a vozového parku, nebo na dílčí etapy výstavby železnic či tratě, ať již se jednalo o historiky-amatéry, železniční odborníky se zájmem o historii, laiky či zájemce o techniku a o lokální historii. Projekt se koncentruje na význam železnice pro vytváření industriální krajiny (intravilán, extravilán), pro regiony s nadregionální (zemskou, státní) vazbou, pro společnost (umožnění oběhu zboží, osob, pracovní uplatnění, trávení volného času, změny v osídlení, kultura i umění). Akcentována bude každodennost z pohledu železničního personálu i z pohledu cestujících, kulturní stránka železnice (včetně vnějšího a vnitřního „krásna“ železničních artefaktů, tedy lokomotivního i vozového parku, stejně tak železniční architektury a ovlivnění oborů umění). V této souvislosti neujde pozornosti ani fascinace železnicí, která se ve společnosti objevuje v široké škále projevů (hudba, poezie, výtvarné umění, muzejnictví, fotografie – fenomén železničního nadšence). Hlavním výstupem budou dvě interaktivní železniční mapy s popisem a uspořádání výstavy s kritickým katalogem. Zejména v souvislosti s výstavou bude nutně zapojen též dopravně-provozní aspekt. Projekt naváže na dosud realizované počiny (knižní, mapové, výstavní). Zapojením širokého kolektivu odborníků jsou vytvořeny adekvátní odborné předpoklady pro realizaci projektu. Výsledkem bude reflexe železnice jako krajinotvorného činitele, faktoru, který změnil společnost a život jednotlivce, železnice jako součásti národního kulturního dědictví, jinými slovy železnice v kulturním, hospodářském a sociálním aspektu.
The objectives of the project are closely linked to the main objective of the NAKI III programme, which is the area of national and cultural identity and the arts. The project addresses Thematic Priority 3: National and Cultural Identity in the Transformation and Exploitation of the Cultural… show more Landscape. Changes in the landscape and its use, and the changes in human activities that are related to these changes, are very fundamental to understanding the historic landscape around the river. We are building on the previous NAKI II project, which revealed a large number of additional themes that were previously unaddressed. In particular, the project addresses the transport function of the river, both in terms of transport links (transport of people and raw materials) and barriers (the need for fords, ferries, bridges). Both the link and the barrier feature have greatly influenced human activities and the exploitation of the cultural landscape, which we want to document in the project. The project also addresses the subsidiary Thematic Priorities 4. National and Cultural Identity in the Memory Culture of the Nation and 16. Methods of Identification, Documentation, Evidence and Interpretation of National Immovable and Movable Cultural Heritage. For the project we plan to use a number of memory institutions (archives, museums, libraries) and local sources in the form of chronicles or testimonies of witnesses. The processing of the partial information obtained in this way, and especially its interpretation, will provide new information and insights into changes in the historical landscape and its use. The main goal of the project is to process a large amount of archival materials (documents, maps, plans, photographs) and to build on the existing results of the previous project by combining and digitizing them. This will continue to preserve, document and make available a large amount of information about the history of the Vltava River, including its cultural heritage, using
In the twenty-first century, we have entered the era of soft materials. Soft materials are omnipresent in nature as well as in emerging fields such as flexible electronics and soft robotics. Interestingly, surface stress can dominate the behavior of soft solids. Many works consider constant and… show more isotropic surface stress in the response of soft material surfaces. However, it has been recently experimentally proven that the behavior of soft surfaces is strain-dependent. The strain dependence of the surface energy brings exciting opportunities as well as challenges. The main goal of SOFFA is to advance the field of soft materials with strain-dependent surface energies. The ground-breaking nature of this proposal lies in the development of (1) a novel, mathematically well founded approach for the description of a strain-dependent surface. Moreover, models with curvature-dependent surface energy, usually neglected for soft solids, are also developed and studied. The second primary objective addresses (2) the modeling of surface instabilities in soft materials with surface energies to open new possibilities for the design of soft materials and devices at small scales by avoiding catastrophic failures and exploiting instabilities to control phenomena such as crack propagation and adhesion. Finally, the developed constitutive models and methods for instability tracking will be integrated into (3) a unique, robust, and scalable opensource simulation tool. The tool will be used to study the effect of strain-dependent surface energy on crack propagation, switchable adhesion, and tunable macroscopic behavior of matrix-inclusion composites with interface stresses.
Structural interfaces will be essential for the transition of load-bearing building structures to carbon neutral and circular construction. The project will prepare and disseminate basic information on their behaviour. The knowledge on the behaviour and modelling of contactors will focus new… show more materials that have the potential to reduce emissions and energy consumption, high strength steel. This will increase the competitiveness of steel structures and enable innovative applications driven by the European Green Deal action plan on the circular economy. In order to design safe, reliable and efficient structures, a thorough knowledge of their behaviour is required. This knowledge is contained in the standards for structural design. Traditionally, standards have used analytical procedures that can be easily applied in hand calculations. This brings undeniable advantages, but these procedures are simplistic and do not allow for the complex cases that are needed for the design of contemporary load-bearing structures in advanced materials. Advanced computer simulation modelling, using the finite element method, is a new discipline for structural steel liaison engineers and is being adopted in practice because of its accuracy and general applicability. Advanced modelling for engineers greatly expands the scope of application by directly simulating the behaviour of the structure. This approach achieves accurate results for a wide range of cases. However, differences have been identified on the hazardous side for connections where failure by breaking is critical, especially for high strength steels where the difference between yield and ultimate strength is small. Breakage is now simulated by reaching the plastic yield strength. This depends on the physical properties and geometry and on modelling properties such as finite element type or mesh density. The optimal combination of the plastic remoulding limit and modelling properties is unknown. For structures made of conventio
Povrch stavebního a dekoračního kamene v sobě nese mnoho ukrytých tajemství, která vypovídají o místě původu dané horniny a o způsobu jejího opracování. Jejich poznání umožňuje vyprávět příběh vzniku daného historického objektu, příběh, který často nezná geografické hranice a představuje tak danou… show more památku v jedinečném kontextu dějin. Pomocí vybraných nedestruktivních výzkumných metod a multidisciplinárního přístupu napříč vědními obory, prozkoumáme historické povrchy u vytipovaných středověkých kamenných objektů na bavorské a české straně s cílem najít dosud skryté spojitosti mezi nimi. V projektu se zaměříme na řemeslná specifika, která jsou buď společná oběma regionům, nebo se naopak zcela liší, a to jak v prostoru, tak v čase. První metodou využívanou v projektu je odrazivostní spektrometrie v blízkém a středním infračerveném pásmu elektromagnetického spektra, pomocí které lze určit místo původu historického stavebního a dekoračního kamene. Metoda využívá optické vlastnosti hornin, které jsou pro každou z nich zcela specifické a jsou určovány způsobem a místem jejího vzniku. Druhou skupinou metod jsou metody aplikované trasologie, jejichž pomocí identifikujeme stopy řemeslného opracování, zrekonstruujeme použité kamenické nástroje i způsob práce s nimi. V rámci našeho dlouholetého výzkumu jsme zjistili úzkou korelaci mezi typem nástroje a historickými obdobími. Některé způsoby opracování byly v Bavorsku používány mnohem dříve než na našem území, případně je jejich použití zaznamenáno zcela ojediněle a zdomácnělo až daleko později. Tyto poznatky vedou k otázce, proč tomu tak bylo. Již odedávna putovali kameníci daleko za prací a z velkých vzdáleností mnohdy pocházel i použitý typ horniny. Zapojení archeologů a kunsthistoriků se jeví jako zásadní zejména pro pochopení vzniku a historického vývoje vybraných objektů. K tomu bude využita metoda umělecko-historického průzkumu a zhodnocení včetně archivních rešerší, prováděných jak v Čechách, tak v Bavorsku.
Designing lightweight yet efficient and sustainable structures for automatic manufacturing is one of the grand challenges in modern industry. In contrast to traditional topology optimization techniques, which optimize the placement of a predefined material, the best physically-attainable designs are… show more achieved when variations in material properties are also allowed. However, it is an open question how to characterize the set of tensors attainable from a given set of materials. This project tackles the challenges by (i) characterizing the feasible set of elasticity tensors that can be attained from a predefined set of materials, (ii) developing an efficient solution approach for the emerging free-material optimization problems, and (iii) translating the optimized solutions into modular designs.
Fueled by rapid technology developments and the battle against health threats, the biomechanical and biomedical sciences are collecting more data than ever. However, this does not mean that the intelligent use of new technology has advanced problem-solving skills. In fact, new technology has… show more sometimes made the problem more acute. For example, where once arterial blockages were detected by chest X-ray, doctors can now use cardiac CT angiography, which shows the heart and coronary arteries in dramatic 3D images. However, difficult as it is to believe, there can be such a thing as too much information, especially from new imaging technology. There is a critical need to reevaluate the current approach to analyze and interpret the data gathered on human health based on machine learning. On the one hand, machine learning is indeed a powerful technique to integrate multimodality and multi-fidelity data, and thus reveal correlations between intertwined phenomena. When properly used, the Synergy of multiscale Modeling and machine Learning (SML) can provide an efficient and reliable decision-making tool for dealing with complex problems characterizing the applications in biomechanics and biomedicine.
The project is based on the need to innovate current practices, approaches, and techniques in the process of identifying the causes of fires. Due to the absence of comprehensive approach and scientific knowledge together with the insufficient reflection of the world's leading customs and knowledge,… show more the project is focused on the creation of tools that unite existing practices, approaches and techniques with the current state of the world together with the use of modern scientific knowledge. The project results focus on unifying and systematizing the performance of all components involved in fire investigations.
The main goal of the proposer is the development and research of a new energy-saving industrial technology of monolithic lining of TBM tunnels, bringing time, space and transport savings, implementation in the field of underground construction in civil and transport engineering on the National and… show more European market. The goal will be achieved through applied research and effective cooperation with the University of CVUT in Prague, as well as the possibility to modify the embossing machine for this technology from company Herrenknecht, cooperating for a long time with the main researcher. It will also bring great financial savings and have a positive impact on the environment, as the segment lining requires production and a large landfill, with the new technology this process is eliminated.
Hlavním cílem projektu je pomocí výzkumu v oblasti požární bezpečnosti tunelů vytvořit výstupy, které umožní projektantům navrhovat bezpečnější silniční a železniční tunely. Prvním cílem je pomocí parametrické studie v oblasti pokročilého modelování požárů vytvořit metodiku popisující, kdy lze… show more modelovat požáry zjednodušeně, a jak modelovat požáry pomocí pokročilých modelů. Druhým cílem je vyvinout software pro stanovení teplot v konstrukci tunelu při požáru, a poskytnout tak nástroj pro přesnější návrh konstrukcí tunelů. Třetím cílem je skrze experimentální vývoj vytvořit metodiku obsahující doporučení pro návrh vhodných receptur betonů pro nosné konstrukce tunelů z hlediska požární odolnosti a příklady těchto receptur.
The aim of the project is the development of non-destructive methods to detect the incipient degradation of steel bridges (corrosion, fatigue), in particular using acoustic emission and vibration methods. Another objective focuses on the development of new autonomous acceleration sensors, applicable… show more in a mixed array of dense sensors, to detect damage in bridge structures. The acceleration sensors will be complemented by autonomous sensors for other quantities such as relative strains and displacements. The monitoring system will be complemented by digital model (twin) technology to filter out bridge behaviour consistent with normal operation and loading so that bridge degradation can be detected. The degradation detection methods will be verified on a real road or railway bridge structure.
Cílem projektu je návrh, vývoj a zhotovení prototypu monitorovacího systému poruch a kolapsových stavů v povrchové vrstvě zemních svahů liniových staveb založeného na vláknově-optických senzorech. Systém prevence vzniku kolapsových stavů povede k zásadnímu zvýšení bezpečnosti dopravní infrastruktury… show more. Vědecko-výzkumným cílem je za použití laboratorních zátěžových stavů pomocí dešťových simulací odvodit metodu přenosu pohybu svrchní vrstvy půdy na senzory. Druhým cílem je ukotvení a aplikace senzorů do půdní vrstvy a do stabilizačních geotextilních rohoží. Ověření bude provedeno na reálných svazích liniových staveb pomocí geodetických metod a Dálkového průzkumu Země. Dalšími cíli je software pro zpracování a vizualizaci dat včasné detekce poruch a užitným vzorem chránit vyvinuté řešení.
The main goal of the project is the optimization of ecoducts using a new composite solution for the application of UHPC and ordinary concrete, mineralized admixtures and secondary materials with a service life of up to 200 years. The solution aims at bridging the highway by up to 3+3 lanes without a… show more central stand in the central dividing strip with a span of up to 50 m, in the case of implementation without its limitation. The structure will be formed using a self-anchored arch with a bridge deck, assembled from two parts connected at a contact joint. The individual beams will be connected by a thin monolithic plate, on which there will be insulation and a thin layer of soil for the growth of vegetation. The solution will save the production and processing of large volumes of material.
Cílem projektu je vyvinout webovou aplikace pro vyhodnocení zkoušky přilnavosti asfaltu ke kamenivu. Aplikace má nahradit vizuální hodnocení, které bývá nepřesné, subjektivní a manipulovatelné. Aplikace bude poskytnuta zdarma, ale zároveň bude její použití ze strany Ředitelství silnic a dálnic (ŘSD)… show more vyžadováno od všech dodavatelů. Tím se zajistí správné a konzistentní vyhodnocování zkoušky, což povede k vyšší kvalitě a trvanlivosti vozovek. Aplikace bude vyvíjena ve dvou etapách: (i) řešení s manuálním nastavím parametrů segmentace a uložením výsledků do databáze; (ii) po nasbírání min. 1000 vzorků zapojení modelů strojového učení (YOLO, U-net a R-CNN) a přechod na plně automatizované vyhodnocování. Cílem je současně zpracovat metodiku, která bude použita pro aktualizaci normy ČSN 73 6161.
Hlavním cílem projektu je prodloužení trvanlivosti betonových povrchů s obnaženým kamenivem pomocí vláken a ICT řešení. Betonové povrchy jsou používány na dálnicích, pozemních komunikacích, letištích, průmyslových, odstavných a skladovacích plochách. Povrchy jsou často vystaveny klimatickým… show more podmínkám, mechanickému zatížení a účinkům chemických rozmrazovacích prostředků. Cíle bude dosaženo i) vhodným začleněním vláken do betonové směsi, která vykazuje vyšší lomovou houževnatost a omezí růst trhlin během životního cyklu, ii) úpravou technologie vymetání povrchu a iii) stanovení vhodné doby vymetání povrchu pomocí numerických simulací s využitím ICT. Výstupy projektu jsou funkční vzorky, ověřená technologie a software.
The project will explore ways to reduce CO2 emissions during the production and maintenance of steel welded structures like bridges and other transportation infrastructures, using advanced technologies. A major focus will be on examining how using high-strength steels and applying HFMI (High… show more Frequency Mechanical Impact) techniques to welds can reduce material thickness while maintaining the fatigue life of these structures and simplifying their design. Additionally, the project will assess the effects of HFMI on weathering steels, which are crucial for infrastructure due to their ability to minimize the need for anti-corrosion coatings. This research seeks to gain a better understanding of the impacts of HFMI on these materials, which are not well-documented in academic literature.
The proposed project aims to introduce a comprehensive approach to the safety and reliability of 3D printed products, expanding the use and increasing the quality of automatic control and 3D robotization in transport structures. By developing the main results such as a methodology, a catalog of… show more defects and malfunctions of 3D printed structures and a clear database structure for digital use uniform and clear approaches will be created, which will enable the use of modern technologies and robotics from design, through implementation, quality control to management and maintenance and will serve to implement 3D printing technology of extruded mortars and constructions within the framework of practical use,which include prestressed - bridge deck, noise wall, lost formwork - column, pylon, etc.
The project will deal with innovative methods of determining the intensity of traffic generated by the territory with a specific use and structure of the building. The goal of the project will be a complete reworking of the current methodology of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic (2013… show more), based on a detailed investigation of traffic behavior and a sufficiently wide range of real traffic surveys of traffic generated by the selected new construction. Current mothodology is based on data on the traffic behavior of residents and carriers and generated traffic from the period 2000 to 2010, which are no longer current from today's point of view. In addition, the current methodology does not sufficiently take into account the division of transport work between individual modes of transport or the chaining of journeys during the day, i.e. the issue of shared traffic. The updated methodology will also take into account changes in the mobility of residents and carriers in connection with the development of electromobility, shared or autonomous vehicles.
Dopravní stavitelství v ČR se začíná stále více orientovat na využití recyklovaných a alternativních materiálů s ohledem na omezené zdroje a vysoké ceny přírodních materiálů. Projekt je zaměřen na efektivní využití ocelářské strusky v rámci liniových staveb, jejíž renomé bylo poškozeno kauzou… show more výstavby dálnice D47. Řešení je koncipováno dvěma směry: a) návrh nového hydraulického pojiva jako alternativy k tradičním pojivům pro úpravu zemin (vápno, cement), včetně návrhu technologie úpravy zemin, b) využití ocelářské strusky jako náhrady přírodního drceného kameniva do kolejového lože nebo v podkladních vrstvách. Cílem je na základě komplexního přístupu k tematice nalézt technická řešení, která umožní překonat dosavadní bariéry pro širší použití ocelářské strusky u dopravních staveb.
The main goal of the project solution is to develop and test "PHMS-150" (Support hydraulic modular system) and "EPOJ" (Electric rotary drive unit), then check their properties in a practical use through the proposed solution team, according to the set schedule and stages. We expect to reach the goal… show more by the end date of the project (end of 2025). The defined goal is concrete, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-traceable.
The aim of the project is to introduce a system of highly resistant lamellas providing different levels of fire protection into practice, thereby increasing the resilience of the existing infrastructure and ensuring the protection of life and health of people while maintaining the existing… show more performance of the building. The current lamellas have zero fire resistance. The project's solution is to innovate by increasing the fire resistance and ensuring that the glued lamellas are highly resistant to high temperatures using advanced materials. The basic innovation and commercial potential of this solution are that the design space is not reduced by protective structures such as ceilings etc. and the fire resistance is provided by the lamella itself.
Mechanicky a chemicky odolné podlahy vhodné např. pro výrobní haly, těžké provozy nebo sklady se v současné době provádějí zejména z cementových kompozitů s rozptýlenou drátkovou výztuží a ochrannou povrchovou vrstvou nebo kompozitů na polymerní bázi. Funkční vlastnosti řady těchto podlah jsou… show more ověřené dlouholetými zkušenostmi, ale jejich ekologické parametry již nemusí vyhovovat současným požadavkům. Je proto účelné zabývat se výzkumem nových druhů pojiv využitelných pro konstrukci podlah odolných vůči mechanickému i chemickému namáhání, která budou splňovat současně jak funkční, tak i ekologické parametry. Hlavním cílem řešení tohoto projektu je návrh necementových pojiv s téměř nulovou uhlíkovou stopou a jejich využití pro konstrukci mechanicky a chemicky odolných podlah, které by byly alternativami k používaným betonům tříd C20/25, případně C30/37 včetně ověření funkčních a ekologických parametrů.
The main objective of the project is to develop concrete diffusors providing acoustic comfort in the interior spaces of buildings while taking advantage of the aesthetic and technical advantages of architectural high-performance concretes. Modern technological processes, including 3D printing and… show more CNC machining, will be applied to produce prefabricated elements of complex shapes. The project will also focus on the creation of an acoustic partition improving the sound-transmission resistance and thermal properties of dividing structures. A specific objective will be to enrich the diffusers with added optical properties by incorporating luminescent or light-conducting materials. Efforts will be made to use secondary raw materials as concrete ingredients to the maximum possible extent.
The goal of the project is to create a new technology to produce 3D molding of flat wooden elements using the interaction of wood and plastic layers. Achieving this goal will lead to a qualitative shift in wood processing from the commonly used two-dimensional forming technology to the 3D molding… show more technology of thin wooden materials in an area. The new technology will enable significantly smaller bending radii and cause a fundamental decrease in defects and defects on the final products. The technology will be verified by two prototypes of design seating elements. The complexity of the solution is supported by the creation of a certified methodology for measuring 3D deformations.
The aim of the project is to develop and implement a new efficient system for de-icing and heating outdoor areas. The heating system will be based on carbon nanostructures (CN) (primarily carbon nanotubes (CNT)), which have excellent thermal and electrical properties and can serve as a heat source… show more in a thin film. In addition to this layer, the system will consist of additional layers, namely a lower insulation layer that will contain the electrical power distribution and a top cover layer that will provide mechanical resistance to the entire system.
Cílem projektu je vyvinout za pomocí moderních postupů vysokorychlostního mletí vhodné kompozitní materiály (dále plast-kompozity) na bázi odpadních plastů (PET, PP a PVC) a přírodního lignocelulózového odpadu (dřevěné piliny, konopné pazdeří, odpadní karton, sláma). Ač lze předpokládat využití… show more kompozitů v mnoha průmyslových oborech, projekt je primárně zaměřen na koncové produkty uplatnitelné v sektoru interiérových prvků s velkou přidanou hodnotou, jako jsou smart akustické prvky a nábytek. Součástí bude rovněž ověření definovaných fyzikálních a mechanických charakteristik vyvinutých kompozitů a návrh technologického postupu výroby finálních produktů. Výstupem projektu budou užitné vzory navržených kopozitů, ověřená technologie jejich výroby a prototypy dvou koncových produktů
Projekt se zaměřuje na vývoj a implementaci strojového učení při vývoji třídicí linky pro recyklaci kameniva z stavebního a demoličního odpadu (SDO). Hlavním cílem je sběr dat a vývoj pokročilých algoritmů, které umožní efektivní třídění minerálního SDO na recyklované kamenivo různé kvality dle… show more mezinárodních norem (např. EN 12620) a to na základě druhu, kvality a míry znečištění. Využíváním této linky přímo na místě stavby i v recyklačním středisku dojde k výraznému zhodnocení odpadu, snížení množství skládkovaného materiálu, nahrazení primárních surovin kvalitními recykláty a tím snížení emisí CO2 i ochrany přírodních zdrojů. Projekt přispěje ke zvyšování konkurenceschopnosti zapojených firem a zhodnocení know-how výzkumné organizace.
Cílem projektu je poskytnout metodickou podporu veřejné správě v souvislosti s požadavky revidované Směrnice o čištění městských odpadních vod 91/271/EHS (UWWTD) týkajícími se odlehčovacích komor. Dílčí cíle projektu jsou: 1. na vzorku aglomerací o velikosti 10 tis.-100 tis. EO zjistit podíl… show more rizikových aglomerací potenciálně neplnících cíl UWWTD 2 % látkového vnosu z odlehčovacích komor, a poskytnout tak státní správě prvotní informaci o míře nesplnění, 2. vyvinout a otestovat screeningovou metodiku pro identifikaci rizikových aglomerací, 3. vyvinout metodiku plánování opatření pro omezování znečištění z odlehčovacích komor v souvislosti s prioritami opatření v UWWTD, s jejich efektivitou pro různé typy dešťů a dlouhodobou účinností vzhledem ke změně klimatu.
The aim of the project is mainly research in the field of spatial data collection, which will be usable for the control activities of the Czech Environmental Inspectorate. New mass data collection technologies, such as photogrammetry in various spectra or laser scanning, enable a very quick capture… show more of the real state with subsequent analysis of possible environmental risks. The project will focus not only on the correct collection of data from various platforms or databases, but also on their processing and appropriate verification, which will be comprehensively processed in the approved methodology. Analysis of the accuracy of individual methods will also be a partial part, which will subsequently make it possible to improve the provability of the performed analyzes and calculations in the event of legal disputes.
Cílem projektu je vývoj odnímatelného, adaptivního a esteticky atraktivního systému tepelné izolace (zateplení i stínění) fasád s využitím nové generace recyklovatelných vrstevnatých textílií upevněných prostřednictvím odnímatelného roštu s minimálním počtem kotevních prvků. Systém bude využitelný… show more jak u konvenční, tak památkově chráněné infrastruktury, kde nelze použít stávající kontaktní izolační systémy. Vývoj tohoto inovativního řešení reaguje na blížící se termíny cílů Zelené dohody pro Evropu v oblasti ochrany klimatu, která v následujících letech očekává energetický upgrade budov směrem k uhlíkové neutralitě.
Projekt reagující v plné šíři na zadávací dokumentaci poskytovatele
Urbanizovaná území jsou dnes vystavena hydrologickým extrémům v podobě přívalových povodní a sucha. Současným nedostatkem pro bezpečné zvládání přívalových povodní je absence návrhových přívalových srážek (intenzita, objem, rozložení v prostoru) pro výhledová období na základě simulací klimatických… show more modelů (RCM, GCM) včetně krátkých dob trvání (5-10 min) a to nejen z pohledu změn extrémních událostí (s dobou opakování 20+ let), ale i z pohledu změn srážkových extrémů s nižší dobou opakování (2, 5 a 10 let) v kontextu předpokládaného vývoje společnosti (např. scénáře socio-ekonomického vývoje SSP). Urbanizovaná území zároveň čelí nedostatku vody v období sucha, kdy se nabízí využití určitého objemu vody právě z povodňových situací/přívalových srážek. V současné době je snaha zavést řadu adaptačních opatření bez návaznosti na architektonické řešení města, územní plán, ale i bez ověření zdali tato opatření budou dostatečně kapacitní a funkční s ohledem na probíhající změnu klimatu a budoucí klimatický vývoj. Řešení projektu lze rozdělit do 3 úkolů: Tvorba změn srážkových úhrnů způsobených změnou klimatu pro spektrum návrhových srážek o nižší i vyšší době opakování. Vytvoření metodiky, která stanoví technické možnosti ochrany před zaplavením intravilánu v důsledku přívalových srážek vč. možností vytvoření dočasných retenčních objemů v území. Posouzení dopadu změny klimatu na základě odvozených návrhových srážek na komplexním systému adaptačních opatření v urbanizovaných územích (hospodaření se srážkovou vodou - stoková síť - dočasné retenční prostory - nouzové cesty odtoku), na pilotních lokalitách bude provedena kvantifikace a bilanční vyhodnocení.
The proposed project is fully in line with the focus of the 7th Environment for Life Programme call for tenders under Sub-programme 2 - Eco-innovation, Technology and Environmental Protection. The project proposal fully meets the programme's requirements for practical applicability in the field of… show more climate change mitigation and environmental protection. The project is submitted in the context of addressing Subprogramme 2 priority research objective 3.8 - Harmonisation of hydropower and nature and landscape conservation objectives. However, the proposed solution also has a significant overlap with the field of nature and living conditions in surface waters in general. In the operation of hydropower plants installed mainly on dams, the presence of anoxic or oxygen-deficient water below the outlet of the hydropower plant is a common reality, which is determined by the stratification of the water in the reservoir. In general, the oxygen deficiency of the outflow water into the river or channel below the power station increases with reservoir depth, to a degree that varies partly with the seasons. The oxygen deficiency affects the aquatic environment in a certain part of the reach until the oxygen conditions are corrected by natural aeration. In addition to the impact of hydroelectric power plants and the discharge of water through the bottom outlets of dams, accidents occur on watercourses due to various causes. An analysis of the causes of water quality accidents shows that more than half of the accidents and virtually all of the natural adverse situations for life in streams (which with climate extremes will often be accidents) could be partially or completely compensated for by measures to replenish the oxygen in the water, i.e. by aerating the water in the stream or reservoir. Artificial aeration provided by an efficient aerator could play an important role in deploying the necessary measures.
Projekt se zabývá interakcí mezi půdou, srážkami a vegetací. Cílem je 1) zhodnotit vliv různých typů vegetace předcházejících lesnímu požáru na vlastnosti půdy, 2) popsat důsledky požáru pro srážko-odtokové vztahy a 3) vyhodnotit mobilitu látek v půdě a povodí a jejich odnos v závislosti na složení… show more půdní organické hmoty a míře shoření zkoumaných povodí. Předkládaný projekt těží z příležitosti, kterou poskytl rozsáhlý lesní požár v NP České Švýcarsko v roce 2022, který umožňuje získat informace nejen o důsledcích požáru v závislosti na vegetačním pokryvu, ale i kombinovat měření infiltrace a bilance srážek a odtoku v povodí, které má zásadní důsledky pro ochranu přírody a před- i po- požárový management území.
The goal of the project is to introduce the production of composite materials based on hemp stems into the furniture and construction industry as an alternative to wood-based boards such as plywood, chipboard or OSB boards. The basic component of the composites is Cannabis Sativa L which is globally… show more ranked among the most promising renewable materials of the future. The developed composites will be able to be used in many industrial fields, but the project will primarily focus on products for the furniture sector. The project will also include verification of the defined physical and mechanical characteristics of the composites. The output of the project will be three prototypes of composites and the verified technology of their production and prototypes of two design interior elements.
The main objective of the project “Materials for circular economy - industrial waste based geopolymers composites with hybrid reinforcement” is to design & characterize new eco-friendly geopolymers (GPs) composites based on industrial and mining wastes, ideal for contribution to a circular economy.… show more There is a planned hybrid reinforcement for the material to improve their mechanical and functional properties with using glass bars, basalt fibres and waste products . Designed GPs composites will be dedicated for civil engineering application such as precast elements predominantly for applications in harbours and for the design of industrial floors. The project is important for the development of science as well as potential practical (industrial) application. The project proposal is based on the state-of-the-art science & knowledge - create a new value through international cooperation between Norway, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic and Iceland. The new material will characterize by innovative aspects, such as: • Exploitation of unexplored waste resources - this proposal intends to use unexplored waste streams coming from industrial waste streams such as mining and industrial wastes to develop advanced composite. • Synthesis of min. 50 % waste-based GP, especially by the waste streams with different chemical compositions. • Using a hybrid reinforcement – the number of research with this kind of reinforcement is very limited. • The construction sector lacks innovative solutions for which this project seeks to contribute by developing GPs with enhanced their anti-corrosion and mechanical properties for application in harsh environment such as for the harbour infrastructure (salt water, pollutions and changes of temperatures). Exploration long-term properties and durability for GPs. • Mechanical resistance against erosion by waves and seawater, as well as loaded floors
Cílem projektu je výzkum a vývoj inovativního organizačního modelu pro dekarbonizaci dodávek tepla v městských čtvrtích na příkladu družstev. V projektu se řeší organizační, finanční a právní překážky vlastníků budov, a vyvíjí se organizační prototyp. Prototyp je založen na modelu družstev, který se… show more v Evropě osvědčuje již více než 150 let. V jeho případě je inovativním aspektem spojení majitelů budov a jejich obyvatel do energetického družstva. Velkým rozdílem oproti existujícím společenstvím na výrobu elektřiny jsou vysoké počáteční investiční náklady a spoluvlastnictví tepelné infrastruktury. Za tímto účelem se vyvíjejí organizační a právní modely, jakož i obchodní a finanční model. Tato řešení jsou realizována ve čtyřech „živých laboratořích“, které byly vybrány tak, aby nabízely různé výchozí situace a pokryly tak širší spektrum městských případů. Projekt reaguje na hlavní téma PED Transition a sekundární Energy Communities.
Cílem projektu je zvýšení bezpečnosti a snížení finanční náročnosti HÚ radioaktivních odpadů. Bezpečnost HÚ je založena na systému bariér, které brání šíření kontaminantů do životního prostředí a expozici obyvatelstva. Doposud byl v ČR (a ve světě) koncept úložiště a veškerý výzkum soustředěn na… show more teploty do 100°C (teplota na hranici kontejneru). Použití vyšší teploty však může přinést výrazné finanční úspory díky snížení nároku na potřebnou velikost úložiště díky vyšší hustotě ukládání. Projekt proto chce pomocí dlouhodobého in-situ experimentu a doprovodného výzkumu kriticky zhodnotit odolnost bariér pří vyšších teplotách. Zároveň dojde ke zvýšení bezpečnosti díky lepším vstupům do bezpečnostní analýzy-budou získány důležité poznatky o chování jak systému, tak materiálů inženýrské bariéry.
Základní spalovací zkoušky na existujícím TAP – Orientace v problému spoluspalování a spalování TAP upraveného základním způsobem ve fluidním kotli. Návrh a realizace základní zpracovatelské linky pro zpracování TKO a výrobu TAP jak je definován dle ČSN EN ISO 21640. Základní linka bude koncepčně… show more respektovat nejlepší známe technologie a bude navržena tak aby umožnila třídění TKO dle budoucích požadavků stanovených pro roky 2030 a 2035. Legislativní potenciál využívat po 2035 až 25 % ze všech odpadů energeticky není u nás ani zdaleka využit, využívá se pouze 3,9 %. Nutné je podotknout že TKO tvoří z celkového množství odpadů cca 15 %. Z tohoto množství TKO není nijak využito a zpracováno cca 49,5 %. Tato linka poskytne lokálně realtivně konzistentní TAP pro existující teplárnu. Zároveň poskytne dostatečnou základní bázi pro vývoj komplexního řešení vývoje iTAP a celého navazujícího průmyslu.
The participation of CTU is focused on the creation of documents for the aging management of the Temelín NPP containment. The faculty participates in a small part in the identification of numerical models based on the measurements carried out at the NPP.
Cílem projektu je zajistit cenově dostupnou technologii pro mikrozdroje (cca do 100 kW resp. 350 kW) na středních spádech, tj. 8 až 50 m. Projekt přinese zefektivnění hojně využívaného konceptu čerpadel v turbínovém režimu (PAT). Projekt se zaměřuje na úpravy hydraulické části (zvýšení účinnosti,… show more umístění provozního návrhového bodu v oblasti BEP, rozšíření provozního rozsahu) i elektrické části (využití čtyřkvadrantního měniče v kombinaci s baterií – protirázová ochrana, off-grid provoz a další). Výsledkem bude upravená technologie pro mikrozdroje s vyšší efektivitou využití hydroenergetického potenciálu a celkovou roční výrobou, která bude mít současně výrazně lepší provozní vlastnosti. Díky inovaci elektrické části dojde k výraznému zvýšení užitné hodnoty soustrojí.
This project proposal follows the project number TK01030058 - Technology for permanent storage of non-solid radioactive waste. The aim of the design is research and development of modular packaging for the transport of packaging files with RAW. Transport of RAW is subject to strict regulations,… show more therefore it is necessary to develop suitable and safe packaging for complex use. The project proposal envisages the possibility of assembling various shapes of a transport container with a safety structure, which will be usable for various fixing packages, or a series of transport packages for newly developed packaging units. One of the functions of the transport packaging will be the additional shielding of ionizing radiation.
Reducing the production of greenhouse gasses is currently a fundamental problem for the entire society. Cement production contributes by 7–8% to the anthropogenic generation of CO2. The Global Cement and Concrete Association has developed a Roadmap that leads to Net Zero Concrete in 2050. Now we… show more live in the decade to make it happen. The presented project is a contribution to the fulfillment of this initiative in the field of precast concrete structures, in praticular in the following three areas: i) significant improvement in concrete compressive strength through multi-spiral reinforcement of compressed elements, ii) structural systems with effective combination of concrete columns and horizontal steel beams, and iii) a significantly higher replacement of Portland cement by SCM (Supplementary Cementitious Materials). The project team uses the synergy of top technological procedures and advanced testing on the Taiwanese side and advanced computer modeling of materials and structures on the Czech side. The implementation of the research results will be realized through the digitization of all processes involved. The development of IT tools and their extensive use in the industry is essential to meet the stated goals.
Development of a specialized railway monitoring system focused on elements such as bridges and track. Monitoring system consists of new and modified sensors, existing modified IoT devices, a cloud system, an expert system with the detection of structural problems.
V transformovaném energetickém sektoru nejsme v současné době ovšem nejsme schopni nahradit veškeré energetické zdroje čerpající energii ze spalování uhlí „zelenou energií“ ze slunce, větru či vody. Proto se v současné době ve velkém měřítku přechází na spalování či spoluspalování biomasy. Emise CO2… show more, vznikající jejím spalováním, jsou zhruba na stejných hodnotách jako CO2, pohlcené spálenými rostlinami za jejich života. Díky tomu můžeme spalování biomasy označit za emisně neutrální zdroj energie. Hlavními cíli tohoto projektu je zmapovat vlastnosti popílků produkovaných v České republice spalováním a spoluspalováním biomasy (technologií fluidního spalování) a upřesnit možnosti jejich využití ve stavebnictví, včetně návrhu postupů vedoucích k úpravám popelovin ze spoluspalování biomasy tak, aby je bylo možné plnohodnotně zahrnout do výrobkového portfolia stavebních hmot a výrobků.
The goal of the project is to create a software tool using convolutional neural networks in order to determine the locations and intensity of a higher form of erosion, using a combination of the detection of these manifestations on remote sensing data in combination with the modeling of causative… show more events using the SMODERP2D hydrologic-erosion model. This objective includes research on the applicability of neural networks to detect erosion ruts on remote sensing data. In addition to image data, the project will also focus on exploring the usability of outputs from the model as inputs for the semantic segmentation of neural networks. Another use of the resulting tool is the possibility to validate erosion hydrological models from the point of view of the accuracy of the prediction of higher forms of erosion.
The aim of the project is to develop a build a functional sample of an unique waste water structure using numerical modeling tools, which would be placed before the pump stations and significantly improve its function due to optimized hydraulic design. This structure combines several functions.… show more First of the functions is to merge multiple inlet pipes in a way that it restricts waste water splashing, foam creation and air entrainment and unifies the flow. Next function is to divide the flow evenly to two separate chambers. The most important function is then to develop a shape that prevents the sedimentation of suspended solids and is able to efectively separate high rainwater flows.
Projekt se zaměřuje na zlepšení kvality 3D tištěných struktur ze slitin titanu, které jsou vhodné pro využití jako implantáty. K dosažení tohoto cíle bude projekt využívat moderní aditivní technologie SLM (selective laser melting) pro 3D tisk ze slitiny titanu. Vzhledem k malým rozměrům a… show more specifickým vlastnostem 3D tisku porézních struktur implantátů, a v kombinaci s použitím prášků kovových slitin o střední frakci cca 0,06 mm, může docházet ke nepřesnostem. Projekt se proto zaměří na využití pokročilé technologie izostatického lisování za tepla (HIP) k zlepšení kvality finálních struktur, resp. částí implantátů. Technika HIPování by měla výrazně snížit porozitu a tím dosáhnout vyšší shody s numerickými materiálovými modely, které budou součástí projektu. Projekt také předpokládá experimentální testování tištěných produktů realizovaných z recyklovaného prachu. Finální technologický postup by měl umožnit spolehlivé používání recyklovaného prášku ze slitiny Ti6Al4V na porézní povrchy nitrokostních částí implantátů. Tento přístup by měl přispět k zvyšování finální kvality a snižování spotřeby surovin, což je v souladu principy cirkulární ekonomiky.
The integrity and endurance of concrete shield buildings, commonly referred to as the Concrete Biological Shield (CBS), in nuclear reactors are critical to radiation safety. Neutron flux, which is a stream of neutrons emitted during nuclear reactions, can significantly affect the microstructure and… show more mechanical properties of concrete during the long-term operation of the nuclear facility. This study aims to investigate the effects of neutron flux on concrete shield buildings, examining impacts at both the mesoscale (microstructural and material properties) and the macro scale (overall structural integrity). Samples for research purposes will be prepared in cooperation with CVR, CTU and CEA.
Main aim of the project is a start of bilateral cooperation and sharing of knowledge and experience in the field of final disposal of spent nuclear fuel; more specifically in application of granulated bentonite in buffer / backfill in the deep geological repository. Institutions from both countries… show more operate specialised laboratories (geotechnical, migration…) and underground laboratories where an experimental programme in real underground environment is conducted. The project tasks will be solved in all mentioned infrastructures. Common focus on application of bentonite pellets in buffer/ backfill together with information exchange will bring significant future savings and technical progress on both sides.
Concrete is the most widely used building material in the construction of NPPs. It is the cheapest alternative for durable radiation protection. Due to the increasing scarcity of quality raw materials, especially aggregates and cement, a certified methodology will be developed for optimal design… show more before construction starts. The methodology will also include a procedure for the optimal layout of sensors for the controlled ageing process of concrete structures at the NPP.100 quality control of NPP concrete structures in the local conditions of the Czech Republic
Hlavním cílem projektu je vytvoření komplexního řešení systému akumulace tepelné energie zahrnujícího využití odpadních materiálů je v souladu s požadavky na zvýšení efektivity převážně obnovitelných zdrojů energie, které se potýkají s požadavky na ukládání energie během výrobních špiček a odložené… show more spotřeby. Pro potřeby projektu jsou uvažovány dvě variantní řešení s operační teplotou V1 < 400 °C a V2 < 800 °C. Důraz v rámci návrhu bude kladen na efektivní integrovaná řešení, která kombinují koncepty skladování tepelné energie (STE) s technologiemi obnovitelné energie (OZE) s operační teplotou. Ambicí projektu je vyvinout a ověřit možnosti STE založené na upcyklování odpadu vznikajícího ve slévárenských provozech.
Responsible: prof. Dr. Ing. Bořek Patzák
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Thákurova 7/2077
166 29 Praha 6 – Dejvice
PR & Media
Czech Technical University in Prague
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Thákurova 7/2077
166 29 Praha 6 – Dejvice
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